1. Have you not seen that my body has merit
While your body is harmed by decline?
١. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ جِسمِيَ فيهِ فَضلٌ
وَجِسمَكَ قَد أَضَرَّ بِهِ الشُسوفُ
2. You perfume yourself while disparaging me
Yet your philosophy does not avail you.
٢. تُطَيِّبُ جاهِداً وَتُعِلُّ دوني
فَما أَغناكَ أَنَّكَ فَيلَسوفُ
3. You are as wealth in the hands of fate -
And all wealth passes beyond its destined hour.
٣. كَأَنَّكَ في يَدِ الأَيّامِ مالٌ
وَكُلُّ المالِ عَن قَدَرٍ يَسوفُ
4. And I reckon we are barren camels driven on,
Behind them a harsh driver urging speed.
٤. وَأَحسِبُ أَنَّنا إِبلٌ رَذايا
أَجَدُّ وَراءَها حادٍ عَسوفُ
5. I grieved over one departed and asked about him -
Does one like me grieve over a past already gone?
٥. أَسِفتُ لِفائِتٍ وَسَلَوتُ عَنهُ
وَهَل مِثلي عَلى ماضٍ أَسوفُ
6. I have lived for many nights
Yet did not keep vigil for when an eclipse would come.
٦. لَقَد عِشتُ الكَثيرَ مِنَ اللَيالي
وَلَم أَرقُب مَتّى يَقَعُ الكُسوفُ
7. Do the stars that rise have any wisdom
That they would know when an eclipse will overtake them?
٧. فَهَل لِطَوالِعِ الأَقمارِ عَقلٌ
فَتَعلَمَ حينَ يُدرِكُها الخُسوفُ
8. Can you hear, see, suffer,
Taste, perceive or decline?
٨. أَتَسمَعُ أَو تُعايِنُ أَو تُعاني
بِلاءً أَو تَذَوُّقُ أَو تَسوفُ