1. We are but lost in error and absurdity
If you possess the truth then show it forth to me
١. إِنَّما نَحنُ في ضَلالٍ وَتَعلي
لٍ فَإِن كُنتَ ذا يَقينٍ فَهاتِه
2. And for love of the right, the soul preferred
A child's lineage to the mother attributed be
٢. وَلحُبِّ الصَحيحِ آثَرَتِ الرو
مُ اِنتِسابَ الفَتى إِلى أُمَّهاتِه
3. They knew not from the father but surmises
While the wild beasts to the mothers cling and flee
٣. جَهِلوا مِن أَبوهُ إِلّا ظُنوناً
وَطَلا الوَحشِ لاحِقٌ بِمَهاتِه
4. A niggard love may stint the water supply
Yet deserve not that its course run free
٤. قَد يَجوزُ الحَبُّ الشَحيحُ جَبا الما
ءِ وَلا يَستَحِقُّ نَضحَ لَهاتِه
5. And many a man belittled, if justly weighed
Is in his bulk a giant by some deemed to be
٥. وَكَثيرٌ لَهُ إِذا قيسَتِ الأَش
ياءُ عَظمٌ يَرميهِ بَعضُ طُهاتِه
6. By guile men rise; few loose the bonds
Of the smooth generations yielding to their pleas
٦. رُئِسَ الناسُ بِالدَهاءِ فَما يَن
فَكُّ جيلٌ يَنقادُ طَوعَ دُهاتِه