
Allah be praised, a bright dawn rises

سبح الله طالع مستنير

1. Allah be praised, a bright dawn rises
And a crescent like an elegant bow

١. سَبَّحَ اللَهُ طالِعٌ مُستَنيرٌ
وَهِلالٌ مِثلُ القُلامَةِ ناحِل

2. Appears among the daughters of the bier of darkness
Unblemished by the murk of night

٢. وَبَدَت مِن بَناتِ نَعشٍ غَوانٍ
لَم يُصِبها مِن إِثمِدِ اللَيلِ كاحِل

3. People bustle - has the one who hastened
Fled them to the slow stages?

٣. كَالسَوامِ الأَنامُ هَل فازَ مَن سا
فَرَ مِنهُم إِلى بَطيءِ المَراحِل

4. A Yemeni, a Persian, a Syrian
And a wanderer from the West traveling

٤. يَمَنِيٌّ وَفارِسِيٌّ وَشامِيٌّ
وَغادٍ مِن أَهلِ غَربَةَ راحِل

5. I did not mean the shore of the sea
But rather one with radiant shores

٥. ساحِلِيّونَ لَم أُرِد ساحِلَ البَح
رِ وَلَكِن نَسباً لِأَقمَرَ ساحِل

6. A king reclines on his throne - will he find
In both worlds, a fortress like himself?

٦. خَفَّ مَلكٌ عَلى السَريرِ فَهَل يو
جَدُ في العالَمينَ قَرمٌ حُلاحِل