1. My knowledge of ignorance is enough for me
That my fate is my destination, though I do not heed it,
١. حَسبي مِنَ الجَهلِ عِلمي أَن آخِرَتي
هِيَ المَآلُ وَأَنّي لا أُراعيها
2. And that my worldly life is an abode without stability,
Yet I continue to pursue its empty efforts.
٢. وَأَنَّ دُنيايَ دارٌ لا قَرارَ بِها
وَما أَزالُ مُعَنّاً في مَساعيها
3. Thus is the soul always excusing itself
With the futility of life, until its end comes upon it.
٣. كَذَلِكَ النَفسُ مازالَت مُعَلَّلَةً
بِباطِلِ العَيشِ حَتّى قامَ ناعيها
4. O nation steeped in foolishness without any wisdom,
You are but sheep gone astray without a shepherd.
٤. يا أُمَّةً مِن سَفاهٍ لا حُلومَ لَها
ما أَنتِ إِلّا كَضَأنٍ غابَ راعيها
5. You are called to good, but you do not lend an ear,
So none call you except those who summon you to evil.
٥. تُدعى لِخَيرٍ فَلا تَصغى لَهُ أُذُناً
فَما يُنادي لِغَيرِ الشَرِّ داعيها