1. Avoid people and live alone
Do not wrong others, nor be wronged
١. إِجتَنِبِ الناسَ وَعِش واحِداً
لا تَظلِمِ القَومَ وَلا تُظلَمِ
2. I found your world, though it was kind to me
It could not help but make me stumble
٢. وَجَدتُ دُنياكَ وَإِن ساعَفَت
لا بُدَّ مِن وَقعَتِها الصَيلَمِ
3. If al-Mansur were revived, he would cry out
"O city of peace, you are not safe!"
٣. لَو بُعِثَ المَنصورُ نادى أَيا
مَدينَةَ التَسليمِ لا تَسلَمي
4. The Abbasids rest in their graves
While the kingdom has passed to the Buyids
٤. قَد سَكَن القَفرَ بَنو هاشِمٍ
وَاِنتَقَلَ المُلكُ إِلى الدَيَلمِ
5. Had I known their future troubles
I would not have killed Abu Muslim
٥. لَو كُنتُ أَدري أَنَّ عُقباهُمُ
لِذاكَ لَم أَقتُل أَبا مُسلِمِ
6. He served the state with good counsel
Yet was clothed in the garb of great sin
٦. قَد خَدَمَ الدَولَةَ مُستَنصِحاً
فَأَلبَسَتهُ شِيَةَ العِظلِمِ
7. As long as it is not God who endures
Then rage at fate or resign yourself
٧. ما دامَ غَيرُ اللَهِ مِن دائِمٍ
فَاِغضَب عَلى الأَقدارِ أَو سَلِّمِ
8. You roamed the horizons for a time but
Your dark clouds yielded no clear sky
٨. طَوَّفتَ في الآفقِ عَصراً فَما
أَسفَرَت مِن حِندِسِكَ المُظلِمِ
9. You asked people but found none
To guide you rightly to a signpost
٩. سَأَلتَ أَقواماً فَلَم تُلفِ مَن
يَهديكَ مِن رُشدٍ إِلى مَعلَمِ
10. So be patient with the arrogant fool
For the eye, should it meet disdain, bears it calmly
١٠. فَاِحلَم عَنِ الجاهِلِ مُستَكبِراً
فَالعَينُ إِن تَلقَ الكَرى تَحلَمِ
11. Indeed, the death of the coward in his fear
Is like the death of the valiant warrior
١١. إِنَّ وَفاةَ النِكسِ في جُبنِهِ
مِثلُ وَفاةِ الفارِسِ المُعلَمِ