
The world has frustrated their dreams

قد أعزب العالم أحلامهم

1. The world has frustrated their dreams
O you whose dream is estranged from people, arise

١. قَد أَعزَبَ العالَمُ أَحلامَهُم
يا عازِبَ الحِلمِ عَنِ الناسِ ثُب

2. Fires of hatred in their entrails
Their utterances because of it are sparks and flames

٢. نيرانُ حِقدٍ بَينَ أَحشائِهِم
فَلَفظُهُم عَنها شَرارٌ وَثَب

3. It makes them forget the cognizant one, the light like boughs
And the backs are like hillocks

٣. تُنسيهُمُ العارِفَةَ الهيفُ كَالأَغ
صانِ وَالأَعجازُ مِثلُ الكُثُب