
O swimmer who dives boldly into the deep

يا سابحا يصهل في غرة

1. O swimmer who dives boldly into the deep
Where is the brave horseman and warrior?

١. يا سابِحاً يَصهَلُ في غِرَّةٍ
أَينَ وَجيهُ الخَيلِ وَالذائِدُ

2. Fate gave him in life what he sought
Then came upon him a firm decree

٢. آدى لَهُ في الدَهرِ ما يَبتَغي
ثُمَّ أَتاهُ قَدَرٌ آثِدُ

3. Can the whale feel safe from the spears
That the hunter will seize him in his net?

٣. هَل يَأمَنَ الحوتُ مِنَ الشُهُبِ أَن
يَأخُذَهُ في الكِفَّةِ الصائِدُ

4. Or the camel feel secure in the sky
That the lurking foe won't make him his prey?

٤. أَو حِمَلٌ نُزِّهَ في الجَوِّ أَن
يَغتالَهُ بِالمَديَّةِ الكائِدُ

5. If Mars had any wit he would know
That in the end he is bound to fade

٥. إِن كانَ لِلمَرّيخِ عَقلٌ فَما
يَستُرُ عَنهُ أَنَّهُ بائِدُ

6. The youth takes the advice of elders
As though it came from one of his own

٦. يوصي الفَتى بِالأَمرِ مِن بَعدِهِ
كَأَنَّهُ مِن بَينِهِ عائِدُ

7. The guide deceives me by his claim
And ruin comes if the guide's untrue

٧. يَكذِبُني الرائِدُ في زَعمِهِ
وَمُهلَكٌ إِن كَذَبَ الرائِدُ

8. Goodness is never lost so let the Muslim
The Sabian and the lapsed do what is right

٨. وَالخَيرُ لا يُكَفَّرُ فَلِيُحسِنِ المُس
لِمُ وَالصابِئُ وَالهائِدُ

9. The gifts of days are joys to be cherished
He who lacks them is deprived of delight

٩. فَوائِدُ الأَيّامِ مَحبوبَةٌ
وَفاقِدٌ لَذَّتَها الفائِدُ

10. Cast off your worldly goods for nothing lasts
Neither faulty possessions nor surplus store

١٠. فَزَجِّ دُنياكَ فَما يَخلِدُ ال
ناقِصُ في العَيشِ وَلا الزائِدُ

11. On the path of destruction no distinction
Between the mighty and the common folk

١١. وَإِنَّ مِنهاجَ الرَدى يَستَوي
فيهِ مَسوَدُ القَومِ وَالسائِدُ

12. Only the courageous dare the chaos of war
As the warrior faces the coward's retreat

١٢. وَإِنَّما يَلقى شُجاعُ الوَغى
كَما يُلاقي النافِرُ الحائِدُ

13. Desires are pruned by destiny's shears
As this branch I lop off is pruned of excess

١٣. تُقصَفُ بِالقُدرَةِ رَضوى كَما
يُقصَفُ هَذا الغُصنُ المائِدُ

14. If the deceased but knew what news we hold
No reproached would be aimed at the dead

١٤. وَلَو دَرى الموؤودُ ما عِندَنا
مِن نَبَإٍ ما عُتِبَ الوائِدُ

15. The mansion is built for those who dwell there
Not for one who comes to tear it down

١٥. قَد شُيِّدَ القَصرُ لِسُكّانِهِ
وَغَيرُ مَن يَسكُنُهُ الشائِدُ