
O children of time, give me respite, though you may condemn my deeds,

بني الدهر مهلا إن ذممت فعالكم

1. O children of time, give me respite, though you may condemn my deeds,
For I alone will inevitably begin.

١. بَني الدَهرِ مَهلاً إِن ذَمَمتُ فِعالَكُم
فَإِنّي بِنَفسي لا مَحالَةَ أَبدَأُ

2. Whenever time demands and Allah is able,
We will settle in this dust and become still.

٢. مَتى يَتَقَضّى الوَقتُ وَاللَهُ قادِرٌ
فَنَسكُنُ في هَذا التُرابِ وَنَهدَأُ

3. This body and soul neighbor each other for a while.
They have not ceased tormenting and wearing away at one another.

٣. تَجاوَرَ هَذا الجِسمُ وَالرَوحُ بُرهَةٌ
فَما بَرِحَت تَأَذى بِذاكَ وَتَصدَأُ