
Do you rejoice as the chief of a kingdom's rule,

أتفرح بالسرير عميد ملك

1. Do you rejoice as the chief of a kingdom's rule,
In your ignorance, obtaining the throne?

١. أَتَفرَحُ بِالسَريرِ عَميدَ مُلكٍ
بِجَهلِكَ وَالحُصولِ عَلى السَريرَة

2. If you were to ponder your end in death,
You would weep with flowing tears.

٢. وَلَو قَرَّرتَ فِكرَكَ في المَنايا
إِذاً لَبَكَيتَ بِالعَينِ القَريرَه

3. Each evening a helpless body
Goes to a grave to be questioned of its sins.

٣. أَكُلُّ عَشِيَّةٍ جَسَدٌ جَريرٌ
إِلى جَدَثٍ لِيُسأَلَ عَن جَريرَه

4. Neither have the nights been gentle or merciful
To the doe-eyed gazelle.

٤. وَما رَقَّت وَلا رَثَتِ اللَيالي
مِنَ السَرحانِ لِلأَظبي الغَريرَه

5. Did the mother of Khashaf advise her children
To not wrong anyone, even an ant?

٥. فَهَل أَوصَت بَنيها أُمُّ خِشفٍ
بِأَن لا تَظلِموا أَحداً بَريرَه

6. Life bids us farewell with a cup of bitter drink,
When the bitter soul departs.

٦. تُوَدِّعُنا الحَياةُ بِمُرِّ كَأسٍ
إِذا اِنتَفَضَت مِنَ الحَيِّ المَريرَه

7. The unworthy avoid him, so he is equal
To the touch of iron and silk.

٧. نَأى عَنهُ النَسيسُ فَقَد تَساوى
لَهُ لَمسُ الحَديدَةِ وَالحَريرَه