
The vicissitudes come and cover a worn-out body,

يأتي الردى ويواري إثلب جسدا

1. The vicissitudes come and cover a worn-out body,
So do good and avoid every backbiter.

١. يَأتي الرَدى وَيُواري إِثلَبٌ جَسَداً
فَاِفعَل جَميلاً وَجانِب كُلَّ ثَلّابِ

2. People are like horses not noble without generosity,
So be generous like the family of Hallab.

٢. وَالناسُ كَالخَيلِ ما هُجنٌ بِمُعطِيَةٍ
في مَريِها كَعَطايا آلِ حَلّابِ

3. Listen to my words and try to live by them,
For I will soon miss my students.

٣. فَاِسمَع كَلامي وَحاوِل أَن تَعيشَ بِهِ
فَسَوفَ أَعُوِزُ بَعدَ اليَومِ طُلّابي

4. Ask God for forgiveness and leave what
Abu Al-Hudhayl and Ibn Kallab said.

٤. اِستَغفِرِ اللَهَ وَاترُك ماحَكى لَهُمُ
أَبو الهُذَيلِ وَما قالَ اِبنُ كَلّابِ

5. Religion has declined until its best
Is a falcon for falconers or a dog for dog trainers.

٥. فَالدينُ قَد خَسَّ حَتّى صارَ أَشرَفُهُ
بازاً لِبازَينِ أَو كَلباً لِكَلّابِ

6. Oppression seems ugly to me, I do not allow it,
If I were obeyed, they would not wear rough clothes.

٦. وَالظُلمُ عِندي قَبيحٌ لا أُجَوِّزُهُ
وَلَو أُطِعتُ لَما فاؤُوا بِأَجلابِ

7. Black people are a good kind, the best of them perform music,
So judge the children of Adam accordingly.

٧. إِنَّ السَوادَ لَجِنسٌ خَيرُهُ زَمِرٌ
فَقِس بَني آدَمٍ مِنهُ عَلى اللابِ

8. Thorn bushes do not grow vegetation even if watered
With streams from the sea of Hallab.

٨. لا تُنبِتُ الحَرَّةُ المَرعى وَلَو سُقِيَت
بِعارِضٍ لِمِياهِ البَحرِ حَلّابِ

9. They do not wear shirts in their lands
Like barren land not covered with plants.

٩. لا يَكتَسونَ قَميصاً في دِيارِهِمُ
كَالأَرضِ لَم تُكسَ مِن نَبتٍ بِأَسلابِ

10. My fate is losing my way, my state is confusion
Distracted from what I want, my color the color of mourning.

١٠. دَهري قَتادٌ وَحالي ضالَةٌ ضَؤُلَت
عَمّا أُريدُ وَلَوني لَونُ لِبلابِ

11. If I arrive somewhere, my gratitude is the gratitude of lightning
That is satisfied with a drizzle from rainy clouds.

١١. وَإِن وَصَلتُ فَشُكري شُكرُ بَروَقَةٍ
تَرضى بِبَرقٍ مِنَ الأَمطارِ خَلّابِ

12. Support your adversary if truth gives light to him
And do not dispute with deception and force.

١٢. فَدارِ خَصمَكَ إِن حَقٌّ أَنارَ لَهُ
وَلا تُنازِع بِتَمويهٍ وَإِجلابِ

13. Loving your world is innate in one who dwells in it,
So I have been afflicted with a horn of it that gored me.

١٣. وَحُبُّ دُنياكَ طَبعٌ في المُقيمِ بِها
فَقَد مُنيتُ بِقِرنٍ مِنهُ غَلّابِ

14. When I saw the morals of the time permit me,
I redirected my destiny to my patience, so patience subdues me.

١٤. لَمّا رَأَيتُ سَجايا العَصرِ تُرخِصُني
رَدَدتُ قَدري إِلى صَبري فَإِغلابي