1. Life is poverty, no wealth comes with it
And death brings wealth, glory to He who ordained them
١. أَمّا الحَياةُ فَفَقرٌ لا غِنى مَعَهُ
وَالمَوتُ يُغني فَسُبحانَ الَّذي قَدَرا
2. If life were fair, its company would not be blamed
We were not betrayed, but life itself betrayed us
٢. لَو أَنصَفَ العَيشُ لَم تُذمَم صَحابَتَهُ
وَما غَدَرنا وَلَكِن عَيشُنا غَدَرا
3. Will your Lord's forgiveness continue to give hope?
Will Ghafir's forgiveness continue to be called Fudur?
٣. غُفرانَ رَبِّكَ هَل تَغدو مُؤَمِّلَةً
أَغفارُ شابَةَ أَن تُدعى بِها فُدُرا
4. Or is every young man of Eve's progeny
Endowed with outstretched hope that makes him forget?
٤. أَم خُصَّ بِالأَمَلِ المَبسوطِ كُلُّ فَتىً
مِن آلِ حَوّاءَ يُنسي وِردُه الصَدَرا
5. O companion, my legs have numbed, so I complain of them
Yet I have not stopped, while in the wilderness, complaining of numbness
٥. يا صاحِ ما خُدِرَت رِجلي فَأَشكُوَها
وَلَم أَزَل وَالبَرايا نَشتَكي الخَدَرا
6. A night of misguidance, no lights to illuminate it
So the caravan stumbles in its deceptive darkness
٦. لَيلاً مِنَ الغَيِّ لا أَنوارَ يُطلِعُها
فَالرَكبُ يَخبِطُ في ظَلمائِهِ الغَدَرا
7. Do not come near my wall that I wanted
As an illness to be seen, but a drink stored in the wall
٧. لا تَقرَبَن جَدَرِيّاً ما أَرَدتُ بِهِ
داءً يُرى بَل شَراباً مودَعاً جَدَرا
8. She was married off to a full moon, while her dowry
Was but a dinar, as she used to live in a ruin
٨. زُفَّت إِلى البَدرِ وَالدينارُ قيمَتُها
عِندَ السِباءِ وَكانَت تَسكُنُ المَدَرا
9. Goodness is rare like shooting stars, so we recognize it
And it is not measured by one instance if it is rare
٩. وَالخَيرُ يَندُرُ تاراتٍ فَنَعرِفُهُ
وَلا يُقاسُ عَلى حَرفٍ إِذا نَدَرا
10. How many grievous tribulations there are in days
Were it not for pigeons, they would all be devastated
١٠. وَكَم مَصائِبَ في الأَيّامِ فادِحَةٍ
لَولا الحِمامُ لَعُدَّت كُلُّها هَدَرا