
I heard you speaking and looked into what

سمعتك مخبرا فنظرت فيما

1. I heard you speaking and looked into what
you were saying, but it was an impossible thing.

١. سَمِعتُكَ مُخبِراً فَنَظَرتُ فيما
تَقولُ فَكانَ أَمراً يَستَحيلُ

2. Whenever I ask you for evidence in my day
you refer me to tomorrow, postponing.

٢. مَتى أَسأَلكَ في يَومي دَليلاً
أَجِدكَ بِهِ عَلى غَدِهِ تُحيلُ

3. Yes, the crescent moon shone and became full
then went back to its slimness, the fading one.

٣. نَعَم لاحَ الهِلالُ فَصارَ بَدراً
وَعادَ لِنَقصِهِ فَهوَ النَحيلُ

4. Such is time, rise and fall,
and a pact for which oblivion is the punisher.

٤. كَذاكَ الدَهرُ إِقبالٌ وَنَحسٌ
وَإِبرامٌ يُعاقِبُهُ سَحيلُ

5. One group arrives to establish an age
while another is ready to depart.

٥. وَرَكبٌ وارِدٌ لِيُقيمَ عَصراً
وَآخَرُ قَد أَجَدَّ بِهِ الرَحيلُ

6. So do not deny when the far off draws near
nor be astonished when the old grows young.

٦. فَلا تُنكِر إِذا دَنَتِ الأَقاصي
وَلا تَعجَب إِذا مَرِهَ الكَحيلُ