1. When a lively man embraces fifty
Age bends him away from an erect neck
١. إِذا ما عانَقَ الخَمسينَ حَيٌّ
ثَنَتهُ السِنُّ عَن عَنقٍ وَجَمزِ
2. And the singing girls mock him
As Hamza's mother mocked Ru'bah
٢. وَتَهزَأُ مِنهُ رَبّاتُ المَغاني
كَما هَزِئَت بِرُؤبَةَ أُمُّ حَمزِ
3. So I do not see you among the people hinting
With sarcasm at their conversation and winking
٣. فَلا أَعرِفكَ بَينَ القَومِ توحي
بِطَعنٍ في مُحَدِّثِهِم وَغَمزِ
4. Nor nudging your companion who is near
Alerting him to a slip with a wink
٤. وَلا تَهمِز جَليسَكَ مِن قَريبٍ
تُنَبِّهُهُ عَلى سَقطٍ بِهَمزِ
5. The worst of men in their eyes
Is one who speaks of their faults and hints
٥. فَشَرُّ الناسِ مَعروفٌ لَدَيهِم
بِقَولٍ في مَثالِبِهِم وَلَمزِ
6. Indeed those who rebelled have lied when they said
"An order from our Lord has come in hints"
٦. لَقَد كَذَبَ الَّذينَ طَغوا فَقالوا
أَتى مِن رَبِّنا أَمرٌ بِرَمزِ
7. Did you not see me? I knew the threat of an Lord
My talking grew scarce and my winking grew long
٧. أَلَم تَرَني عَرَفتُ وَعيدَ رَبٍّ
رَقَلَّ تَكَلُّمي وَأَطالَ ضَمزي
8. Who can help me flee from the vile world's rubbish
Or even a wink?
٨. وَمَن لي أَن أَفَرَّ عَلى طِمِرٍّ
مِنَ الدُنِّيا الخَبيثَةِ أَو دِلَمزِ