
Be ashamed of the sun of daytime, and of

استحي من شمس النهار ومن

1. Be ashamed of the sun of daytime, and of
The moon of nightfall and its shining stars

١. اِستَحيِ مِن شَمسِ النَهارِ وَمِن
قَمَرِ الدُجى وَنُجومِهِ الزُهرِ

2. Flowing in the orbit by the command of God
They do not fear the intensity of light

٢. يَجرينَ في الفَلَكِ المُدارِ بِإِذ
نِ اللَهِ لا يَخشَينَ مِن بُهرِ

3. And for them is due, in my essence,
Greater respect than the people of excellence

٣. وَلَهُنَّ بِالتَعظيمِ في خَلَدي
أَولى وَأَجدَرُ مِن بَني فِهرِ

4. Glory to their Creator. I do not say
The meteors are diminishing over time

٤. سُبحانَ خالِقِهِنَّ لَستُ أَقو
لُ الشُهُبُ كابِيَةٌ مَعَ الدَهرِ

5. Rather, I wonder - were they given an impure pilgrim
To be protected from impurity?

٥. لا بَلَ أُفَكِّرُ هَل رُزِقنَ حِجاً
نَجِساً يُمَزنَ بِهِ مِنَ الطُهرِ

6. Or did the female horses have, of the males
Relatives or in-laws?

٦. أَم هَل لِأُنثاها الحَصانِ بِذي التَ
ذكيرِ مِن قُربى وَمِن صِهرِ

7. Or does the kite court and is given
What it accepts of dowry?

٧. أَم يَخطُبُ العَوّا السَمّاكُ وَيُع
طيها الَّذي تَرضاهُ مِن مَهرِ

8. As for the crescent, it is wondrous
Growing and fading over the month

٨. أَمّا الهِلالُ فَإِنَّهُ عَجَبٌ
يَنمي وَيَمحَقُ في مَدى شَهرِ

9. So it is absolved of misleading, my ignorant brother
Rebellious, in private and public

٩. فَبُرِئَت مِن غاوٍ أَخي سَفَهٍ
مُتَمَرِّدٍ في السِرِّ وَالجَهرِ

10. He cancelled the afternoon prayer in disdain
And neglected the obligatory prayer

١٠. أَلغى صَلاةَ العَصرِ مُحتَقِراً
وَرَمى وَراءَ الظَهرِ بِالظُهرِ

11. So grant your weak one, even if little
And do not turn him away in anger

١١. فَاِمنَح ضَعيفَكَ إِن عَراكَ وَلَو
نَزَراً وَلا تَصرِفهُ بِالكَهرِ

12. And raise for him a blond spear
In gloomy darkness like the neighing of a mare

١٢. وَاِرَفَع لَهُ شَقراءَ تَرمَحُ في
دَهماءَ مِثلَ تَأَرُّنِ المُهرِ

13. And be just with your orphan in inheritance
And do not seize it through force and coercion

١٣. وَاِنصِف يَتيمَكَ في التُراثِ وَلا
تَأخُذُهُ بِالإِعناتِ وَالقَهرِ