
I seek refuge in Allah from the people

أعوذ بالله من قوم إذا سمعوا

1. I seek refuge in Allah from the people
Who when they hear good, they conceal it

١. أَعوذُ بِاللَهِ مِن قَومٍ إِذا سَمِعوا
خَيراً أَسَرّوهُ أَو شَرّاً أَذاعوهُ

2. Or when they hear evil, they spread it
What was destiny did not push it away out of mercy

٢. ما حُمَّ كانَ وَلَم تَدفَعهُ مَشفَقَةٌ
وَيَفعَلُ الأَمرَ في الدُنِّيا مُطاعوهُ

3. And he who has power does as he pleases in this world
Indeed, the King of Abyssinia attained kingship undeserved

٣. إِنَّ النَجاشِيَّ نالَ المُلكَ عَن قَدَرٍ
بِرَغمِ ناسٍ لِبَعضِ التَجرِ باعوهُ

4. Despite a people who because of some commerce had sold him
And Khalid ibn Sinaan, the universe does not diminish him

٤. وَخالِدُ بنُ سِنانٍ لَيسَ يَنقُصُهُ
مِن قَدرِهِ الكَونُ في حَيٍّ أَضاعوهُ

5. From his worth while he is alive, though they have wasted him
I have not seen advocates of falsehood speaking

٥. ما لي رَأَيتُ دُعاةَ الغَيِّ ناطِقَةً
وَالرُشدُ يَصمُتُ خَوفَ القَتلِ داعوهُ

6. While truth is silent, fearing to be called
Let not people of nobility rejoice over a newborn

٦. لا يَفرَحَنَّ بِمَولودٍ ذَوُو شَرفٍ
فَإِنَّما بُشَراءُ الطِفلِ ناعوهُ

7. For the glad tidings of a child are dependent on his upbringing
Thus is the way of time, it enriches those who accompany it

٧. كَذَلِكَ الدَهرُ غَنّى مَن يُصاحِبُهُ
وَلَم يَعُد بِسِوى الخُسرانِ ساعوهُ

8. And it promises nothing but loss for those who call it
And Allah is the truth, even if your assumptions run wild

٨. وَاللَهُ حَقٌّ وَإِن ماجَت ظُنونُكُمُ
وَإِنَّ أَوجَبَ شَيءٍ أَن تُراعوهُ