
My mind, long has been your polishing.

أذهني طال عهدك بالصقال

1. My mind, long has been your polishing.
People chatter endlessly back and forth.

١. أَذِهنِيَ طالَ عَهدُكَ بِالصِقالِ
وَماجَ الناسُ في قيلٍ وَقالِ

2. Soon death will free me,
For I am bound and imprisoned.

٢. سَتُطلِقُني المَنِيَّةُ عَن قَريبٍ
فَإِنّي في إِسارٍ وَاِعتِقالِ

3. It seems those who've shared my experiences are idols,
Delighting in their own will and determination.

٣. كَأَنَّ ذَوي تَجارُبِنا سَوامٌ
تَأَنَّقُ في مُرادٍ وَاِبتِقالِ

4. When my soul departs my limbs,
My body will have no knowledge of its leaving.

٤. إِذا اِنتَقَلَت عَنِ الأَوصالِ نَفسي
فَما لِلجِسمِ عِلمٌ بِاِنتِقالِ

5. I'm a captive, never to return, for my departure is final.
Matters confuse the innocent,

٥. أَسيرُ فَلا أَعودُ وَما رُجوعي
وَقَد كانَ الرَحيلُ رَحيلَ قالِ

6. As if reason itself were fettered.

٦. أُمورٌ يَلتَبِسنَ عَلى البَرايا
كَأَنَّ العَقلَ مِنها في عِقالِ