
When the two eagles soared, the lesser birds scattered in fear,

إذا طلع النسران غارت ظعائن

1. When the two eagles soared, the lesser birds scattered in fear,
And the summit of the mountain was the most rugged summit.

١. إِذا طَلَعَ النِسرانِ غارَت ظَعائِنٌ
وَكانَ مِراسُ القُرِّ شَرَّ مِراسِ

2. And if the Pleiades appear at dawn, they direct
Their orientation towards the Southern Cross.

٢. وَإِن تَبدُ في الصُبحِ الثَرَيّا فَإِنَّها
تُيَمِّمُ بِالتِسيارِ آلَ قَراسِ

3. If the turns of fate made people walk
On the brink, I would count none but the bold.

٣. لَو أَنَّ بَني الدُنِّيا يَدَ الدَهرِ مَشيُهُم
عَلى الزَفِّ لَم أَعدُدهُ غَيرَ هَراسِ

4. And the steeds of a people driven by their horsemen
Never gained glory in battle and combat.

٤. وَما ظَفِرَت أَفراسُ قَومٍ يَحُثُّها
فَوارِسُها في عُنجُدٍ وَقَراسِ

5. Bodies lay still, then in the morning they rose
Like crops, sprouting and growing.

٥. جُسومٌ ثُمَّ عادَت فَأَصبَحَت
ضُروباً كَزَرعٍ نابِتٍ وَغِراسِ

6. The days and nights of time left no thrones
Of glory, all were leveled.

٦. وَما تَرَكَت بيضُ الزَمانِ وَسَودُه
كَراسيَّ عِزٍّ كُلُّهُنَّ كَراسِ

7. And with blows and stabs they did not prevent what fate
Brought, without coats of mail or shields to protect them.

٧. وَلَم يَمنَعوا بِالضَربِ وَالطَعنِ حادِثاً
أَتى دونَ أَدراعٍ لَهُم وَتِراسِ

8. The nomads of Mudhij spoke in Persian accents
And the Persians spoke in Arabic tongue.

٨. تَداعَت بِلَفظِ العُجمِ أَعرابُ مَذحِجٍ
وَأَعرَبَ أَهلا فارِسٍ وَخُراسِ

9. For the bold lions, their tearing apart
Were carcasses, whether lion or noble steed.

٩. فَإِنَّ لُيوثَ الحَتفِ نالَ اِفتِراسُها
ضَراغِمَ مِن لَيثٍ وَحيِّ فِراسِ

10. Oh mother of Dafar, may you never be safe from me,
My blows and stabs upon you are ceaseless.

١٠. فَيا أُمَّ دَفرٍ لا سَلِمتِ غَويَّةً
عَلَيكِ قِراعي دائِباً وَضِراسي

11. Do you want bias from me in speech?
What harm that I was loyal in judgement?

١١. أَتَبغَينَ مِنّي في المَقالِ تَعَصُّباً
وَأَيُّ أَذاةٍ ما عَصَبتِ بِراسي

12. These nights take us as though they were
Ships on a sea with no harbors.

١٢. تَسيرُ بِنا هَذي اللَيالي كَأَنَّها
سَفائِنُ بَحرٍ ما لَهُنَّ مَراسي