1. She asked her astrologer how long her cradled child
Would live, that she might take a coin for what he told.
١. سَأَلَت مُنَجِّمَها عَنِ الطِفلِ الَّذي
في المَهدِ كَم هُوَ عائِشٌ مِن دَهرِهِ
2. "A hundred years," he answered, and he took the gold.
Death came that very hour and took the newborn child.
٢. فأَجابَها مائَةً لِيَأخُذَ دِرهَماً
وَأَتى الحِمامُ وَليدَها في شَهرِهِ
3. Time turns: the blushing bride seeks for her groom,
And offers all her precious gifts to win his heart.
٣. قُلِبَ الزَمانُ فَرِبَّ خَودٍ تَبتَغي
زَوجاً وَتَبذُلُ غالِياً مِن مَهرِهِ
4. When wives are chaste, their husbands will not start
Affairs, but cherish them in their seclusion's room.
٤. إِذا كانَت إِمرَأَةُ الفَتى في طُهرِها
فَلَعَلَّهُ لَم يَغشَها في طُهرِهِ
5. The foolish sire looks down on his own daughters,
Yet sings his foreign son-in-law's deserving praise,
٥. كَرِهَ الجَهولُ بَناتِهِ وَسَليلُهُ
أَجنى لِما يَغتالُهُ مِن صِهرِهِ
6. Though he's the family's most malicious foe.
A baby growing in its mother's womb betrays
٦. أَعدى عَدوٍّ لِاِبنِ آدَمَ خِلتُهُ
وَلَدٌ يَكونُ خُروجُه مِن ظَهرِهِ
7. Man's innate idiocy. He wastes his store
By betting on the claws and beaks of carrion crows.
٧. وَسَفاهَةُ الإِنسانِ مَوهِمَةٌ لَهُ
بَذَّ القَوارِحِ في الرِهانِ بِمُهرِهِ
8. A father beats his child for its own good,
Though this may seem a cruel and hard abuse.
٨. وَعِقابُ والِدِكَ الرَؤوفِ تَحَدُّبٌ
وَيُشَقُّ أَنفُ الطِرفِ خَشيَّةَ بُهرِهِ
9. To hide your white hair from your friends is ruse;
For age itself need not be gray or subdued.
٩. أَتُسِرُّ شَيبَكَ عَن جَليسِكَ ضِلَّةً
وَالشَيبُ لَيسَ بِعاجِزٍ عَن جَهرِهِ
10. Many who come to beg are filled up by your feast,
While some bring plenty, and they leave without a taste.
١٠. كَم سائِلٍ وافى وَدارَكَ سائِلٌ
نَهرَ الغِنى فيها فَعادَ بِنَهرِهِ
11. The blinding fog won't lift before the sun does rise;
Dark wings of night will not make way till morning's rays.
١١. وَالغَمرُ إِن لَم تَهدِهِ شَمسُ الضُحى
لَم يَهدِهِ جِنحُ الظَلامِ بِزُهرِهِ
12. So beat your orphan well to teach it proper care,
For only tough love brings a lost sheep back to the fold.
١٢. فَاِضرِب يَتيمَكَ طالِباً تَأديبَهُ
ما عَدَّ ذَلِكَ راشِدٌ مِن قَهرِهِ
13. Luck lifts up those cast down. The mighty lion's roar
Can cleave a mountain. But persistent bad luck takes its toll
١٣. وَالسَعدُ يُثني المُستَضامَ كَغالِبٍ
سَهَكَ الجِبالَ مِنَ الأَنامِ بِفَهرِهِ
14. On the wise man, till he can barely stand its weight.
Don't let your failings keep you from your Lord's estate.
١٤. وَالنَحسُ يَعتادُ البَصيرَ وَلُبَّهُ
حَتّى يُقيمَ عِشائَهُ في ظُهرِهِ