
The hopes of time upon its sons

أمالي الزمان على بنيه

1. The hopes of time upon its sons
Are events that have become the worst of hopes

١. أَماليُّ الزَمانِ عَلى بَنيهِ
حَوادِثُ أَصبَحَت شَرَّ الأَمالي

2. Misfortune struck Al-Ramla one day
So it singled out and still clasps embracing

٢. أَصابَ الرَملَةَ الحَدَثانُ يَوماً
فَخَصَّ وَما يَزالُ أَخا اِشتِمالِ

3. Have any mountains or seas been protected
To rescue those dwelling in the sands?

٣. وَهَل عُصِمَت جِبالٌ أَو بِحارٌ
فَتَنجو ساكِناتٌ بِالرِمالِ

4. What mind has the neighbor of days
To uncover his night and say: what's mine is mine?

٤. وَما لِمُجاوِرِ الأَيّامِ عَقلٌ
يُكَشِّفُ لَيلَهُ فَيَقولُ مالي

5. So do not erect your tents in a place
Where the inhabitants are prone to misfortune

٥. فَلا تَبني خِيامَكَ في مَحَلٍّ
فَإِنَّ القاطِنينَ عَلى اِحتِمالِ

6. And the wings of eagles when death comes to them
Are like the wings of ostriches

٦. وَأَجنِحَةُ النُسورِ إِذا أَتَتها
مَناياها كَأَجنِحَةِ النِمالِ

7. When beauty declines into ugliness
Sorrow has dragged the bestowed beauty

٧. إِذا كانَ الجَمالُ إلى اِنتِساخٍ
فَحُزناً جَرَّ مَوهوبَ الجَمالِ

8. The bird of fortune does not gladden me
So I fear grief from the bird of misfortune

٨. وَما طَيرُ اليَمينِ بِمُبهِجاتي
فَأَخشى الهَمَّ مِن طَيرِ الشِمالِ

9. A meadow passed and another came but did not
Inform us of the fresh drink

٩. مَضى رَوضٌ وَجاءَ وَلَم يُخَبِّر
فَنَسأَلَهُ عَنِ الشَربِ الثِمالِ

10. Oh home of loss, no deliverance
To go south or north

١٠. فَيا دارَ الخَسارِ أَلا خَلاصٌ
فَأَذهَبَ في الجَنوبِ أَو الشِمالِ

11. It is injustice that I seek profit in you
When I did not come to you with capital

١١. وَظُلمٌ أَن أُحاوِلَ فيكِ رِبحاً
وَلَم أَخرُج إِلَيكِ بِرَأسِ مالِ

12. Is there any land beyond safety
To be folded with the beautiful and fair?

١٢. وَهَل دونَ السَلامَةِ بُعدُ أَرضٍ
فَيُطوى بِالأَيانِقِ وَالجِمالِ

13. We die because we are allies of deficiency
And he who monopolizes perfection remains

١٣. نَموتُ لِأَنَّنا حُلَفاءُ نَقصٍ
وَيَبقى مَن تَفَرَّدَ بِالكَمالِ