
The pole star is fixed, and the stars revolve around it.

اللب قطب والأمور له رحى

1. The pole star is fixed, and the stars revolve around it.
By it all matters are deliberated and rotated.

١. اللُبُّ قُطبٌ وَالأُمورُ لَهُ رَحىً
فَبِهِ تُدَبَّرُ كُلُّها وَتُدارُ

2. The full moon wanes, and so it is destined.
And likewise the crescent, its fate is to disappear.

٢. وَالبَدرُ يَكمُلُ وَالمَحاقُ مَآلُهُ
وَكَذا الأَهِلَّةُ عُقبُها الإِبدارُ

3. Adhere to your path, even if you meet with adversity.
For the lion hides his state with patience.

٣. إِلزَم ذَراكَ وَإِن لَقيتَ خَصاصَةً
فَاللَيثُ يَستُرُ حالَهُ الإِخدارُ

4. The she-camel of Salih did not know, when she rose early,
That her journey would end in embers.

٤. لَم تَدرِ ناقَةُ صالِحٍ لَمّا غَدَت
أَنَّ الرَواحَ يُحَمُّ فيهِ قُدارُ

5. These figures made of dust are like artifacts.
A person feels nothing were it not for his walls.

٥. هَذي الشُخوصُ مِنَ التُرابِ كَوائِنٌ
فَالمَرءُ لَولا أَن يُحِسُّ جِدارُ

6. Be content with little, and all that
you give and possess has its measure.

٦. وَتَضِنُّ بِالشَيءِ القَليلِ وَكُلُّ ما
تُعطي وَتَملِكُ ما لَهُ مِقدارُ

7. "My house!" says he who says, while I worship
One for whom slaves and houses belong.

٧. وَيَقولُ داري مَن يَقولُ وَأَعبُدي
مَه فَالعَبيدُ لِرَبِّنا وَالدارُ

8. O people! How many who crave livelihood
meet their fate in the end!

٨. يا إِنسَ كَم يَرِدُ الحَياةَ مَعاشِرٌ
وَيَكونُ مِن تَلَفٍ لَهُم إِصدارُ

9. Do you expect loyalty from the age?
Verily the age is deceitful like its people.

٩. أَتَرومُ مِن زَمَنٍ وَفاءً مُرضِياً
إِنَّ الزَمانَ كَأَهلِهِ غَدّارُ

10. You stand still while the ships sail on ceaselessly,
And you scheme while the fates mock.

١٠. تَقِفونَ وَالفُلكُ المُسَخَّرُ دائِرٌ
وَتُقَدِّرونَ فَتَضحَكُ الأَقدارُ