1. Tell old age the hand of days is diligent
It purifies you and one is purified of ignorance
١. قُل لِلمَشيبِ يَدُ الأَيامِ دائِبَةٌ
تُنقيكَ وَالمَرءُ مِن جَهلٍ يُنَقّيكا
2. If I were like a firmly rooted mountain
Its weight would make me love that you climb upon my head
٢. لَو كُنتُ كَالجَبَلِ الراسي لَأَوَّدَني
بِالثِقلِ أَنَّكَ في رَأسي تَرَقّيكا
3. How can a person cut short the course of a lifetime
That is allotted to you while the Judge King preserves you
٣. وَكَيفَ يَقطَعُ إِنسانٌ مَدى أَجَلٍ
عَلَيكَ وَالمَلِكُ الدَيّانُ يُبقيكا
4. Neither can brooding prolong your grief
Nor soothsayers heal your affliction
٤. فَلا الأُساةُ أَطالَت في تَفَكُّرِها
تَشفي ضَناكَ وَلا الكُهّانُ تَرقيكا
5. When you were poured you were made to drink fervor bent over
From the downpour or henna that gives you to drink
٥. لَمّا صَبِبتَ سُقيتَ الوَجدَ مُنحَنِياً
مِنَ الصَبيبِ أَو الحِنّاءِ يَسقيكا
6. One deluded by danger met you in danger
And you were worthier to meet him in fragrance
٦. لاقاكَ بِالخَطَرِ مَغرورٌ عَلى خَطَرٍ
وَكُنتَ بِالعِطرِ أَولى في تَلَقّيكا
7. He recounts the traces of foolish past folk
And with shears in prosperity he troubles you
٧. يَقُصُّ آثارَ أَقوامٍ أولي سَفَهٍ
وَبِالمِقَصَّينِ في النَعماءِ يُشقيكا
8. O God's dye who gave you protection
The dyes of some people cannot protect you
٨. يا صِبغَةَ اللَهِ مَن أَعطاكَ واقِيَةً
فَإِنَّ صُبغَ أُناسٍ لا يُوَقّيكا