
I advise you, do not commit an evil deed

نصحتك لا تقدم على فعل سوءة

1. I advise you, do not commit an evil deed
And fear a God ancient for all time

١. نَصَحتُكَ لا تُقدِم عَلى فِعلِ سَوءَةٍ
وَخَف مِن إِلَهٍ لِلزَمانِ قَديمِ

2. O children of Adam, I do not know the purpose
That grew them; is there one lasting among them sound?

٢. بَنو آدَمٍ لَم أَدرِ غَرَضُ الَّذي
نَماهُم وَهَل فيهِم صَحيحُ أَديمِ

3. You see only a learned man ignorant
Of his knowledge, or a wealthy man destitute.

٣. وَلَستَ تَرى إِلّا عَليماً كَجاهِلٍ
عَلى عِلمِهِ أَو مُثرِياً كَعَديمِ

4. They have no goodness for company
And how many a boon companion has departed as a ruin.

٤. وَما عِندَهُم مِن خيرَةٍ لِمَعاشِرٍ
وَكَم مِن مُدامٍ بَرَحَت بِمُديمِ

5. So do not drink it while you live, and if you grow weary
Of depravity, then drink it without boon companion.

٥. فَلا تَشرَبنَها ما حَيِيتَ وَإِن تَمِل
إِلى الغَيِّ فَاِشرَبها بِغَيرِ نَديمِ