
O my soul, the abode you built and departed from

يا روح شخصي منزل أو طنته

1. O my soul, the abode you built and departed from
Have you grieved since it was demolished?

١. يا روحُ شَخصي مَنزِلٌ أُو طَنتَهُ
وَرَحَلتِ عَنهُ فَهَل أَسِفتِ وَقَد هُدِم

2. The sick man has recovered and servants attended him
Then you departed, with no eyes wet or hands busy.

٢. عيدَ المَريضُ وَعاوَنَتهُ خَوادِمٌ
ثُمَّ اِنتَقَلتِ فَما أُعينَ وَلا خُدِم

3. The ailing and wakeful found rest
Though dirges still weep for them.

٣. لَقَدِ اِستَراحَ مُعَلَّلٌ وَمُساهِرٌ
مِنهُ وَإِن غَدَتِ النَوائِحُ تَلتَدِم

4. After disputes and sorrows they carried him
And laid the stranger in a ruined house.

٤. حَمَلوهُ بَعدَ مَجادِلٍ وَأَسِرَّةٍ
حَملَ الغَريبِ فَحُطَّ في بَيتٍ رُدِم

5. Still in constant toil and worry
Perhaps he ended suffering by ending.

٥. ما زالَ في تَعَبٍ وَهَمٍ دائِمٍ
فَلَعَلَّهُ عَدِمَ الأَذاةَ بِأَن عُدِم

6. If the dead could speak I’d ask him
What he felt and saw when he arrived.

٦. لَو كانَ يَنطِقُ مَيِّتٌ لَسَأَلتُهُ
ماذا أَحَسَّ وَما رَأى لَما قَدِم

7. If you prosper in the gardens of paradise
You left a world aflame behind you.

٧. إِن تَثوِ في دارِ الجِنانِ فَإِنَّما
فارَقتَ مِن دُنياكَ ناراً تَحتَدِم

8. Who would blame you for your transgressions in passion?
All people are burdened with a similar yoke.

٨. مَن ذا يَلومُكَ في هَواكَ مَسيئَةً
كُلُّ الأَنامِ بِحُبِّها كَلِفٌ سَدِم

9. Forgive your friend if he shunned you
And do not linger when visiting him.

٩. فَاِعذِر خَليلَكَ إِن جَفاكَ وَلا تَجِد
وَإِذا الزِيارَةُ ساعَفَتكَ فَلا تُدِم

10. Evil kin am I in the mornings
And my friend likewise, but I regret not nor does he.

١٠. بِئسَ العَشيرُ أَنا الغَداةَ
وَصَاحِبي مِثلي فَإِنّي ما نَدِمتُ وَلا نَدِم