
The noble youth sacrifices himself for the glorious master

يضحي الفتى المرؤوس بالسيد ال

1. The noble youth sacrifices himself for the glorious master
As the subordinate does for the firm handed one

١. يُضحي الفَتى المَرؤوسُ بِالسَيِّدِ ال
ماجِدِ كَالمَرؤوسِ بِالصارِمِ

2. An instinct known amongst people
Transmitted to the generous by the noble ones

٢. غَريزَةٌ في الناسِ مَعروفَةٌ
تُنقَلُ لِلمَكرومِ بِالكارِمِ

3. Time does not deny its favoring
Of the sons of Kilab over the sons of Darim

٣. وَالدَهرُ لا يُنكِرُ تَسويدَهُ
بَني كُلَيبٍ لِبَني دارِمِ

4. And man squeezes out generosity
Residing in his defiant soul

٤. وَيُخمَصُ الإِنسانُ مِن نَخوَةٍ
ساكِنَةٍ في أَنفِهِ الوارِمِ

5. The abode of glory is the abode of Quraish, and there is no escape
From the victorious and the vanquished

٥. بَيتُ العُلى بَيتُ قَريضٍ وَلا
بُدَّ مِنَ الكاسِرِ وَالخارِمِ

6. If I were to deprive a beggar, it would grieve me much
Yet I am not, in God's view, depriving

٦. إِن يُحرَمِ السائِلُ عِندي جَداً
فَلَستُ عِندَ اللَهِ بِالحارِمِ

7. If I were able to comfort him, he would rest
In comfort this year of dearth

٧. لَو كُنتُ أَسطيعُ لَهُ راحَةً
راحَ بِها في عامِهِ العارِمِ

8. He who exceeds the required alms taxes the wealth of the state
Beyond the poor and the destitute

٨. صَدَّ زَكاةَ الملِ مَن زادَ في ال
حالِ عَنِ المِسكينِ وَالغارِمِ

9. And truth is that the crime between us is sought
From the criminal, not the victim

٩. وَالحَقُّ أَن تُطلَبَ ما بَينَنا
جِنايَةُ الجُرمِ مِنَ الجارِمِ