
You know who you are confiding in when sitting with your enemy

جالس عدوك تعرف من تكاتمه

1. You know who you are confiding in when sitting with your enemy
Ill-will appears in people's talk though they pretend

١. جالِس عَدُوَّكَ تَعرِف مَن تُكاتِمُهُ
يَبدو القِلى في حَديثِ القَومِ وَالمُقَلِ

2. Evil in earth's creatures is widespread
And humans are like beasts, some harmful, some docile

٢. وَالشَرُّ في حَيوانِ الأَرضِ مُفتَرِقٌ
وَالإِنسِ كَالوَحشِ مِن ضارٍ وَمُبتَقِلِ

3. Fate takes its course, dragging the reluctant stallion
To shackles and reins against its will

٣. يَجري القَضاءُ فَيُهدي العيسَ كارِهَةً
إِلى الضَراغِمِ في الأَقيادِ وَالعُقُلِ

4. So disagree with people and you will be rightly guided whenever they speak
Stay silent with dignity even if they are quiet, then say:

٤. فَخالِفِ الناسَ تَرشُد كُلَّما نَطَقوا
فَاِصمُت حَميداً وَإِن هُم أَنصَتوا فَقُلِ

5. Seek your own approval from ignoble backbiters
And those who attack heroes while shackled

٥. وَاِطلُب رِضاكَ مِنَ الخِلَّينِ ذي شُطَبٍ
وَمُطلَقِ الحَدِّ في الأَبطالِ مُعتَقَلُ

6. Don't you see how the meteors in their orbits have moved
By the power of a King who is unmoving?

٦. أَما تَرى الشُهبَ في أَفلاكِها اِنتَقَلَت
بِقُدرَةٍ مِن مَليكٍ غَيرِ مُنتَقِلِ