1. Who sees the camel train of Ibn Arwa
On the surface of Marw, their saddles
١. مَن يَرى العيرَ لِاِبنِ أَروى عَلى ظَه
رِ المَرَورى حُداتُهُنَّ عِجالُ
2. Ascending, while the house is the house of my father, and
Love is empty, where the north wind moans?
٢. مُصِعداتٍ وَالبَيتُ بَيتُ أَبي وَه
ب خَلاءٌ تَحِنُّ فيهِ الشَمالُ
3. The ignorant, misguided knows that fate
In it are the baseborn and tremors.
٣. يَعرِفُ الجاهِلُ المُضَلِّلُ أَنَّ الد
دهر فيهِ النَكراء وَالزِلزالُ
4. I wish I knew, was that your way, or were they
Men, like those who perish and perished?
٤. لَيتَ شِعري كَذاكُم العَهدُ أَم كا
نوا أُناساً كَمَن يَزولُ فَزالوا
5. After you knew, O mother of Zayd,
Among them was glory for us and beauty.
٥. بَعدَما تَعلَمينَ يا أُمَّ زَيدٍ
كانَ فيهِم عِزٌّ لَنا وَجَمالُ
6. And faces shining with our love,
And plenty, when plenty is sought.
٦. وَوُجوهٌ بِوُدِّنا مُشرِقاتٌ
وَنَوالٌ إِذا أُريدَ النَوالُ
7. The house has changed, in the neighborhood
Faces, as if they are slaughter.
٧. أَصبَحَ البَيتُ قَد تَبَّدَلَ بِالحَيِّ
وُجوهاً كَأَنَّها الأَقتالُ
8. Men connive therein everything
Except that death has no connivance.
٨. كُلُّ شَيءٍ يَحتالُ فيهِ الرِجالُ
غَيرَ أَن لَيسَ لِلمَنايا اِحتِيالُ
9. By the life of God, if the sword had functions
And the tongue had speech,
٩. وَلَعمرُ الإِلَهِ لَو كانَ لِلسَي
ف مَصالٌ وَلِلِّسانِ مَقالُ
10. I would not forget you, sincerity and love
And preoccupations would not prevent you.
١٠. ما تَناسَيتُكَ الصَفاءَ وَلا الوُد
دَ وَلا حالَ دونَكَ الأَشغالُ
11. And I would forbid your mutilated flesh.
Straying, their sanity strayed, how they assassinated!
١١. وَلَحَرَّمتُ لَحمَكَ المُتَعَضّى
ضلَّةً ضَلَّ حِلمُهُم ما اِغتالوا
12. Their words “you drank wine,” yet there was
A drink other than wine, lawful.
١٢. قَولُهُم شُربُكَ الحَرامَ وَقَد كا
نَ شَرابٌ سِوى الحَرام حَلالُ
13. And the evident refused enmity
Except malice and words not said
١٣. وَأَبى الظاهِرُ العَداوَة إِلّا
شَنَآناً وَقَولَ ما لا يُقالُ
14. From men who borrowed atrocities
To get what they wanted, so they got
١٤. مِن رِجالٍ تَقارَضوا مُنكَراتٍ
لِيَنالوا الَّذي أَرادوا فَنالوا
15. Other than what we sought from them, but
Fate turned upon men, so they turned.
١٥. غَيرَ ما طالِبينَ ذَحلاً وَلَكِن
مالَ دَهرٌ عَلى أُناسٍ فَمالوا
16. Who would betray you sincerity
Or change, or fail, as shadows fail?
١٦. مَن يَخُنكَ الصَفاءُ أَو يَتَبَدَّل
أَو يَزُل مِثلَما تَزولُ الظِلالُ
17. Know that I am your brother, brother of love,
My life, until the mountains fail.
١٧. فَاِعلَمَن أَنَّني أَخوكَ أَخو الوُد
د حَياتي حَتّى تَزولَ الجِبالُ
18. There is no stinginess toward you in my property
Never lacking sandals, meeting.
١٨. لَيسَ بُخلٌ عَلَيكَ عندي بِمالٍ
أَبَداً ما أَقَلَّ نَعلاً قِبالُ
19. And you have victory by the tongue and palm
When there are functions for the hands.
١٩. وَلَكَ النَصرُ بِاللِسانِ وَبِالكَف
ف إِذا كانَ لِليَدَينِ مصالُ