
The lining of the day of union makes it

نعمت بطانة يوم الدجن تجعلها

1. The lining of the day of union makes it
Beneath clothes, and you have put on clothes

١. نَعِمَت بِطانَةُ يَومِ الدَجنِ تَجعَلُها
دونَ الثِيابِ وَقَد سَرَّيتَ أَثوابا

2. The bosom of your embrace is neither a virgin nor half
It turns you into delicate, smooth velvet, not coarse

٢. قِرابَ حِضنِكَ لا بِكرٌ وَلا نَصَفٌ
توليكَ كَشحاً لَطيفاً لَيسَ مَجشابا

3. Swaying, advancing, retreating
Laid down, a curly forelock, wide lips

٣. هَيفاءُ مُقبِلَة عَجزاء مُدَبِّرَة
مُحطوطَة جُدِلَت شَنباءَ أَنيابا

4. She glanced at me with the eye of a gazelle beneath its lotus tree
One day she felt some mischief and winked

٤. تَرنوا بِعَيني غَزالٍ تَحتَ سِدرَتِهِ
أَحَسَّ يَوماً مِنَ المَشتاةِ هَلّابا

5. With a generous, noble cheek adorned by a twig
The ruby almost sets it aflame

٥. بِجيدِ ريمٍ كَريمٍ زانَهُ نَسَقٌ
يَكادُ يُلهِبُهُ الياقوتُ إِلهابا

6. When you fancy her after sleep has disturbed her composure
It awakens the fragrance of sweet flagrances, a torment

٦. إِذا تَظَنَّيتَ بَعدَ النَومِ عِلَّتَها
نَبَّهَت طَيّبَةَ العِلّاتِ مِعذابا

7. Days pass by us about cold, poised ones
Its flavor by night seems to be flames

٧. أَيّامَ تَجلوا لَنا عَن بارِدٍ رَتِلٍ
تَخالُ نَكهَتَها بِاللَيلِ سُيابا

8. When the spittle dries after the wine and disappears
And the saliva makes the mouths eloquent

٨. إِذا اللَثا رَقَأَت بَعدَ الكَرى وَذَوَت
وَأَحدَثَ الريقُ بِالأَفواهِ عَيّابا

9. The provisions of a departing beauty flowed
With sugar and wine that aged and fermented

٩. جادَت مَناصِبَهُ شَفّانُ غادِيَةٍ
بِسُكَّرٍ وَرَحيقٍ شيبَ فَاِشتابا