1. O unique of the age in sovereignty and lineage
And singular of the time between non-Arabs and Arabs
١. يا أَوحد الدَهر في ملكٍ وفي حسبِ
وَمفرد العَصر بَين العَجم وَالعَرَبِ
2. And he whose star ascends, Egypt flourishes through him
Has become fortunate and gained from it great profit
٢. وَمَن بِهِ مصرُهُ الغرّاء طالعُها
أَضحى سَعيداً وَفازَت مِنهُ بِالأَرَب
3. I do not hope from you to fulfill what
Your excellencies have promised of generosity and ranks
٣. لا أَرتجيك لإنجاز الَّذي وَعدت
بِهِ مَعاليك مِن بَذلٍ وَمِن رُتب
4. For you are a rain, and it is the rain's habit
To come and irrigate without promise or request
٤. فَأَنتَ غَيثٌ وَإِن الغَيثَ عادته
يَأتي فَيَروي بَلا وَعد وَلا طَلَب
5. And though the band of architects has gained
Victory over me after despair and wanted me for rubble
٥. وَإِن طائِفة المعمار بي ظَفَرَت
مِن بَعد يَأس وَأَودَت بي إِلى الوَصَب
6. And I was safe and content from their plots
Without a gifted residence built with my earnings
٦. وَكُنتُ مِن كَيدِها في راحةٍ وَغِنى
عَن مَنزل هدّ في مَبناه مكتسبي
7. And though its construction's beginning with it
Was in the month of your noble birthday, Rajab
٧. وَكانَ مَع ضَيقه بدء البِناء بِهِ
في شَهر مَولدك السامي عَلى رَجَب
8. If only since it saw me, destitute,
It had left me alone in this ruined residence
٨. وَلَيتَها مُذ رَأتني قلّ ما بيدي
خلت سَبيليَ في ذا المَنزل الخَرب
9. But it swore that immediately it would complete it
Even without pay, this is wondrous
٩. بَل أَقسَمت أَنَّها فَوراً تتمِّمُه
وَلو بلا أُجرة هَذا مِن العَجَب
10. So I did not cease borrowing until I was thrown into what
Had nearly, were it not for you, led me to ruin
١٠. فَلم أَزَل أَقترض حَتّى رُميت بِما
قَد كاد لولاك يُفضي بي إِلى العَطب
11. And your eye of justice was not sleeping from me
Even though the profession of literature reached me
١١. وَلم تَكُن مِنكَ عَينُ العَدل نائِمةً
عَني وإَِن أَدرَكتني حرفةُ الأَدب
12. And debts besieged me that nothing could deflect
Save white silver and gold
١٢. وَحاصرتني دُيونٌ لَيسَ يَدفعها
عَني سِوى الفضة البَيضاء وَالذَهَب
13. And where could I get them except if
The light of your will which dispels the gloom of worries poured forth
١٣. وَأَينَ لي بِهما إِلّا إِذا صَدَرَت
إرادة نُورُها يَجلو دُجى الكرَب
14. You have not ceased to mend the brokenness of the two worlds across
The ages with what you grant of prosperity
١٤. لا زِلت تجبر كَسر العالمين عَلى
طُول الزَمان بِما تُوليه مِن نشب
15. The panegyrics' ennoblement of you did not increase, for you have
Filled the scrolls of what is recited from books
١٥. ما اِزداد تَشريف مَدح فيكَ قَد ملِئَت
بِهِ سِجلات ما يُتلى مِن الكُتُب