
The slave girl presumes to manage my people's affairs,

تنازعني ضبيعة أمر قومي

1. The slave girl presumes to manage my people's affairs,
Yet slave girls should not manage affairs.

١. تُنازِعُني ضُبيعَةُ أَمرَ قَومي
وَما كانَت ضُبَيعَةُ لِلأُمورِ

2. Was she ever more than a slave
Whom we attached to a noble lineage?

٢. وَهَل كانَت ضُبَيعَةُ غَيرَ عَبدٍ
ضَمَمناهُ إِلى نَسَبٍ شَطيرِ

3. My father commanded me to protect them,
So I defend prisoners from their shackles.

٣. وَأَوصاني أَب فَحَفَظتُ عَنهُ
بِفَكِّ الغِلِّ عَن عُنُقِ الأَسيرِ

4. Jahdar commanded me to watch over his sons
By sending couriers with messages on camelback.

٤. وَأَوصى جَحدَرٌ فَوقي بَنِيه
بِإِرسالِ القُرّاد عَلى البَعيرِ