
Ali excelled in generosity

إن عليا ساد بالتكرم

1. Ali excelled in generosity
And forbearance at the peak of endurance

١. إِنَّ عَليّاً سادَ بِالتَكَرُّمِ
وَالحِلمِ عِندَ غايَةِ التَحَلُّمِ

2. My Lord guided him to the straightest path
By taking what's permitted and leaving what is forbidden

٢. هَداهُ رَبّي لِلصِراطِ الأَقوَمِ
بِأَخذِهِ الحِلَّ وَتَركِ المَحرَمِ

3. Like a lion with cubs still suckling
He feeds them until they are weaned

٣. كَاللَيثِ عِندَ اللَبُواتِ الضَيغَمِ
يُرضِعنَ أَشبالاً وَلَمّا تُفطَمِ

4. Then he becomes protective with jealousy and guarded
With arms like pillars ugly and muscular

٤. فَهوَ يَحامي غَيرَةً وَيَحتَمي
عَبلُ الذِراعَينِ كَريه شَدقَمِ

5. With a hollow interior, noble waist
A firm build like a well-constructed edifice

٥. مُجَوَّفُ الجَوفِ نَبيلُ المَحزَمِ
نَهدٌ كَعادِيِّ البِناءِ المُبهَمِ

6. Revelation roars at him in an unfamiliar tongue
Audible even over the clash and clamor

٦. يَزدَجِرُ الوَحيُ بِصَوتٍ أَعجَمِ
تَسمَعُ بَعدَ الزَبرِ وَالتَقَحُّمِ

7. When war excites his soul, he rumbles
Swiftly marching forward into the fray

٧. مِنهُ إِذا حَشَّ لَهُ ترَمرم
مُندَلِقُ الوَقعِ جَرِيُّ المُقدَمِ

8. The lion of lions in the clash, a smasher
Like the whispers of night, a bloodied hammer

٨. لَيثُ اللُيوثِ في الصِدامِ مِصدَمِ
وَكَهَمسِ اللَيلِ مِصَكّ مِلدَمِ

9. A noble steed of ancient pedigree
Like the neck of an ostrich, gloomy and somber

٩. عُفروسِ آجامٍ عُقارِ الأَقدَمِ
كَرَوَّسِ الذَفرِي أَغَمّ مكدم

10. With an intense brow and sealing nose
Nicknamed the destroyer in valor

١٠. ذو جَبهَةٍ غَرّاً وَأَنفٍ أَختَمِ
يُكنى مِنَ البَأسِ أبا مُحَطِّمِ

11. Scowling with purity, courageous and daring
Deafening any deafness, silencing any uproar

١١. قَسورَة عَبسٍ صَفِيِّ شَجعَمِ
صمَّ صَمات مُصَلخَدٍ صَلدَمِ

12. When lionesses see him they do not roar
For fear of death, they do not bare teeth

١٢. مُصَمَّتِ الصُمِّ صَموتٍ سِرطِم
إِذا رَأَتهُ الأُسدُ لَم تَرَمرَمِ

13. Fearful of the feared meeting, gloomy
Snarling in manner, harmful and malignant

١٣. مِن هَيرَةِ المَوتِ وَلَم تُجَمجِمِ
رَهبَةَ مَرهوبِ اللِقاءِ ضَيغَمِ

14. In battle like the foremost flag
Making the enemy flee with known weapons

١٤. مُجَرمِزٍ شانٍ ضِرارٍ شَيظَمِ
عِندَ العِراكِ كَالفَنيقِ الأَعلَمِ

15. With fangs but no compromise
A pillar of strength with firm, determined jaws

١٥. يَفري الكَمِيَّ بِالسِلاحِ المُعلَمِ
مِنهُ بِأَنيابٍ وَلَمّا تُقضَمِ

16. Defending his rights without being subdued
You see the horses bleed from his attack

١٦. رُكنٍ مُماضيغٍ بِلَحيٍ سَلجَمِ
حامي الذِمارِ وَهوَ لَمّا يُكدَمِ

17. From throat to cheek, the color of red stain
He has often bloodied snobbish noses

١٧. تَرى مِنَ الفَرسِ بِهِ نَضحَ الدَمِ
بِالنَحرِ وَالشِدقَينِ لَونَ العَندَمِ

18. When the lions shrink away, he does not refrain
Vicious and audacious with slyness and guile

١٨. أَغلَبُ كَم رَضَّ أُنوفَ الرُغَّمِ
إِذا الأسودُ أَحجَمَت لَم يَحجمِ

19. Baring interlocked fangs with savagery
With awe and terror, seriousness and purpose

١٩. خُبَعثَنٌ أَشوسُ ذو تَهَكُّمِ
مُشتَبِكُ الأَنيابِ ذو تَبَرطُمِ

20. Throwing down the fierce lion, gloomy and dim
With eyes like flaming comets

٢٠. وَذو أَهاويلَ وَذو تَجَهُّمِ
ساطٍ عَلى اللَيثِ الهِزَبرِ الضَيغَمِ

21. And zeal like polished rocks
When whispering to himself, he says: decide!

٢١. وَعَينُهُ مِثلَ الشِهاب المُضرَم
وَهامُهُ كَالحَجرِ المُلَملَمِ

22. Murmuring in his murmuring soul
More cutting than a sharp and clever tongue

٢٢. إِذا تُناجي النَفس قالَت صَمِّم
غَمغَمَةً في جَوفِها المُغَمغَمِ

23. Spreading his scent, tearing and ripping to shreds

٢٣. أَغضَفَ رِئبالٍ خِدَبٍ فَدغَمِ
مُنتَشِرُ العُرفِ هَضيم هَيصَمِ