1. By the life of your father, O son of Abi Muraih
It was not for others that he made the lands lawful
١. لَعَمرُ أَبيكَ يا اِبنَ أَبي مُرَيٍّ
لِغَيرُكَ مَن أَباحَ لَها الدِيارا
2. He made them lawful for flashing lights of radiance
That pasture on the rugged hills and plains
٢. أَباحَ لَها أَبارِقَ ذاتَ نَورٍ
تَرَعّى القَفّ مِنها وَالعَرارا
3. Praise be to God, then a man of Quraish
Whose belly swelled, becoming abundantly fertile
٣. بِحَمدِ اللَهِ ثُمَّ فَتى قُرَيشٍ
أَبي وَهبٍ غَدَت بُطُناً غِزارا
4. He made it lawful, though none protected it
When you were a year of drought and barrenness
٤. أَباحَ لَها وَلا يُحمي عَلَيها
إِذا ما كُنتُم سَنَةً جَزارا
5. A young man whose hands reached for the heights
And cut down the stunted and small
٥. فَتىً طالَت يَداهُ إِلى المَعالي
وَطحطَحَتا المُقطَّعَة القِصارا