
Among the evil traits of men there is tale-bearing;

ومن شر أخلاق الرجال نميمة

1. Among the evil traits of men there is tale-bearing;
Whenever a man follows it, his honor is destroyed.

١. وَمِن شَرِّ أَخلاقِ الرِجالِ نَميمَةٌ
مَتى ما تَبِع يَوماً بِها العِرضَ يَنفقِ

2. And truly a man does not avoid the wrath of his people,
Nor keep ties with his kin if he is not well-guided.

٢. وَإِنَّ اِمرِءاً لا يَتَّقي سُخطَ قَومِهِ
وَلا يَحفَظُ القُربى لغَير مُوَفَّقِ

3. I refused the one who did base acts in his reckless youth,
Until age advanced and streaks of white split his hair.

٣. أَبَيتُ الَّذي يِأَتي الدَنِيَّ شَبيبَتي
إِلى أَن عَلا وَخَطٌ مِنَ الشَيبِ مَفرِقي

4. So I am not, though I went forth with a small bucket,
A narrow-mouthed waterskin in a choked-up place.

٤. فَلَستُ وَإِن كُنتُ اِغتَرَبتُ بَقائِلٍ
طَفانينَ قَولٍ في مَكانٍ مُخَنَّقِ