
By my life! If al-Walid spends the night in a town

لعمري لئن أمسى الوليد ببلدة

1. By my life! If al-Walid spends the night in a town
Other than mine, I surely spend my night miserable

١. لَعَمري لَئِن أَمسى الوَليدُ بِبَلدَةٍ
سِوايَ لَقَد أَمسَيتُ لِلدَهرِ مُعوِرا

2. Except that the sustenance of God comes and goes
And I long for him even if I travel for months

٢. خَلا أَن رزقَ اللَه غادٍ وَرائِح
وَإِنّي لَهُ راجٍ وَإِن سِرتُ أَشهرا

3. He was the fortress to which I resorted
When I stirred up the groups with the vagabonds

٣. وَكانَ هُوَ الحِصن الَّذي لَيسَ مُسلِمي
إِذا أَنا بِالنَكراءِ هَيَّجتُ مَعشَرا

4. Whenever they encountered al-Walid it was as though
They saw a valley of the tribe Hammas well-armed

٤. إِذا صادَفوا دوني الوَليدَ كَأَنَّما
يَرَونَ بِوادي ذي حَماسٍ مُزَعفَرا

5. The messengers warned each other about him
To avoid his dwellings from Hammas and `Ar`ar

٥. تناذرهُ السفّارُ فَاِجتَنَبوا لَهُ
مَنازِلَهُ عَن ذي حَماسٍ وَعَرعَرا

6. Khadhib with erect spears does not cease to attack
Until the leather armor on his chest is cracked

٦. خَضيبُ بَنانٍ ما يَزالُ بِراكِبٍ
يَخُبُّ وَضاحي جِلدِهِ قَد تَقَشَّرا

7. He walked his mare leisurely and left his elderly sheikh
In Ma'rib when he mounted and walked proudly

٧. تَمَهَّلَ رَبعِيّاً وَزايَلَ شَيخَهُ
بِمَأرِبَةٍ لَمّا اِعتَلى وَتَمَهَّرا

8. He lived with him until he saw in his physique
A well-built and beautifully created youth

٨. وَعايَشَهُ حَتّى رَأى مِن قَوامِهِ
قَواماً وَخَلقاً خارِجِيّاً مُضَبَّرا

9. He marched not feeling lonely without companions
Nor confused whether to advance or retreat

٩. تَرَيبَلَ لا مُستَوحِشاً لِصَحابَةٍ
وَلا طائِشاً أَخَذا وَإِن كانَ أَعسَرا

10. There are traces of youthfulness in his arms, he walks proudly
As if saying: he regained consciousness after he collapsed

١٠. خُبَعثِنَةٌ في ساعِدَيهِ تَزايُلٌ
تَقولُ وَعى مِن بَعدِ ما قَد تَكَسَّرا

11. To the left and right, back and forth, wielding
His sword without finding in the head a cleft

١١. شِبالاً وَأَشباهَ الزِجاجِ مُغاوِلاً
مَطَلنَ وَلَم يَلقَينَ في الرَأسِ مَثغَرا

12. When the plaits of his sword cling to his palm
He sees death with his eyes, black and red

١٢. إِذا عَلِقَت قِرناً خَطاطيفُ كَفِّهِ
رَأى المَوتَ رُأيَ العَينِ أَسوَدَ أَحمَرا

13. And he led them until he concealed the three
Nahik, Nazzal, and Ja`far shouting

١٣. وَساراهُم حَتّى اِستَراهُم ثَلاثَةً
نَهيكاً وَنَزّالَ المَضيقِ وَجَعفَرا

14. `Ubayt, a morning drinker, blond of complexion
When facing rivals, his face is like rainclouds thundering

١٤. عَبيطٌ صُباحِيٌ مِنَ الجَوفِ أَشقَرا
إِذا واجَهَ الأَقرانَ كانَ مِجَنَّهُ

15. A forehead like the expanse of clouds, responding with pouring rain

١٥. جَبينٌ كَتِطباقِ الرَحا اِجتابَ مُمطِرا