1. The length of life is but discontent
And hope of gaining immortality is misguidance
١. إِنَّ طولَ الحَياةِ غَيرُ سُعودِ
وَضَلالٌ تَأميلُ نَيلِ الخُلودِ
2. Man is deluded by hope and sacrifices himself
As an easy prey for death, setting up the pole
٢. عُلَّلَ المَرءُ بِالرَجاءِ وَيُضحى
غَرَضاً لِلمَنونِ نَصبَ العُودِ
3. Each day it casts at me some arrows
So I meet with fate or something not far from it
٣. كُلَّ يَومٍ تَرميهِ مِنها بِرَشقٍ
فَمُصيبٌ أَوصافَ غَيرَ بَعيدِ
4. An intimate who makes me forget the coldness of the tomb
Until I see it like one languishing
٤. مِن حَميمٍ يُنسي الحَياءَ جَليدَ القَو
مِ حَتّى تَراهُ كَالمَبلودِ
5. Each dead person, I have pardoned, so I feel no
Pain for a parent or a child
٥. كُلُّ مَيِّتٍ قَد اِغتَفَرتُ فَلا أَو
جَعُ مِن والِدٍ وِمِن مَولودِ
6. Except my obstinacy lowered my wing
The day I left him on the hilltop
٦. غَيرَ أَنَّ اللَجلاج هَدَّ جَناحي
يَومَ فارَقتُهُ بِأَعلى الصَعيدِ
7. In a shrine weighed down
With dust and crumbling clay
٧. في ضَريحٍ عَلَيهِ عَبءٌ ثَقيلٌ
مِن تُرابٍ وَجَندَلٍ مَنضودِ
8. On the right side of the path, at the foot
Of a hot mountain, invoking by night, unaccustomed
٨. عَن يَمينِ الطَريقِ عِندَ صَدىً حَر
أَن يَدعو بِاللَيلِ غَيرَ معودِ
9. Crying for help with none to aid
He was truly a choked man
٩. صادِياً يَستَغيثُ غَيرَ مُغاثٍ
وَلَقَد كانَ عُصرَةَ المَنجودِ
10. Then I saved him and relieved him
With a gulp or a knock on the nose
١٠. رُبَّ مُستَلحِمٍ عَلَيهِ ظِلالُ المَو
تِ لَهفانَ جاهِدٍ مَجهودِ
11. With a sword or a slap from a soft hand
Suspicious to the courageous and excellent man
١١. خارِجٍ ناجِذاهُ قَد بَرَدَ المَو
تُ عَلى مُصطلاهُ أَيَّ بُرودِ
12. He complained of it when gripped by death again
And death is most painful when renewed
١٢. غابَ عَنهُ الأَدنى وَقَد وَرَدَت سُ
مرُ العَوالي عَلَيهِ أَيَّ وُرودِ
13. So his horses bolted against him and fled
Like a masked lion in iron armor
١٣. فَدَعا دَعوَةَ المَخنَقِ وَالتَل
بيب مِنهُ في عامِلٍ مَقصودِ
14. Except a persistent walker proceeding slowly
Neither exhausted nor overburdened
١٤. ثُمَّ أَنقَذتهُ وَفَرَّجت عَنهُ
بِغَموسٍ أَو ضَربَةِ أُخدودِ
15. Ready if they approached him
To have in his chest a piercing thrust
١٥. بِحُسامٍ أَو رَزَة مِن نَحيض
ذاتِ رَيبٍ عَلى الشُجاعِ النَجيدِ
16. Herding them with his club, keeping them
From the defile without being diverted
١٦. يَشتَكيها بِقَدِّكَ إِذا باشَرَ المَو
تُ جَديداً وَالمَوتُ شَرّ جَديدِ
17. And with his eyes as he swayed his hands
And bent in passionate effort like a swooping falcon
١٧. فَلَوَت خَيلُهُ عَلَيهِ وَهابوا
لَيثَ غابٍ مُقَنَّعاً في الحَديدِ
18. The lion saw his determination for a prey
I had aimed at with a skilled returning hand
١٨. غَيرَ ما ناكِلٍ يَسيرُ رُوَيداً
سَيرَ لا مُرهَقٍ وَلا مَهدودِ
19. They supported him when they did not find
His skin softened by propping
١٩. مُستَعِدّاً إِن دَنوا مِنهُ
فَفي صَدرِ مُهرهِ كَالصَديدِ
20. Then they despaired of him and left him to the birds
Encircling, hovering in flocks
٢٠. شاحِياً بِاللَجمِ يَقصُرُ مِنهُ
عَرِكاً بِالمَضيقِ غَيرَ شرودِ
21. As they looked on, had they sought vengeance
For their brother from a guarded, hateful sun
٢١. وَبِعَينَيهِ إِذ يَنوءُ بِأَيدي
هِم وَيَكبو في صائِكٍ كَالفَصيدِ
22. They were flesh that, had they approached,
Their multitude would have held back
٢٢. نَظَرَ اللَيثُ هَمَّهُ في فَريسٍ
أَقصَدتُهُ يَدا نَجيدٍ مُعيدِ
23. O son of a beautiful one who split my soul, O obstinacy
You left me to a severe fate
٢٣. سانَدوهُ إِذا لَم يَرَوهُ
شُدَّ أَجلادُهُ عَلى التَسنيدي
24. Affliction reaches the limit for people in communities
And whoever turns foolishly away is lost
٢٤. يَئِسوا ثُمَّ غادَروهُ لِطَيرٍ
عُكَّفٍ حَولَهُ عُكوفَ الوُفودِ
25. Each year I am struck with arrows
From an erring or skilled bow
٢٥. وَهُم يَنظُرونَ لَو طَلَبوا الوِت
رَ إِلى واتِرِ شَموسٍ حَقودِ
26. Then you orphaned me and disturbed my throne
After the loss of a master and noble pole
٢٦. لَحمَةٌ لَو دَنَوا لِثَأرِ أَخيهِم
حَسَروا قَد ثَناهُمُ بِعَديدِ
27. Of men who were mountains and seas
Yet today they are companions of the tribe of Thamud
٢٧. يا اِبنَ حَسناءَ شِقَّ نَفسي يا لَج
لاجُ خَلّيتَني لِدَهرٍ شَديدِ
28. Fate betrayed them though they were worthy
Of magnificent deeds and praise
٢٨. يَبلُغِ الجَهدُ ذا الحَصاةِ مِنَ القَو
مِ وِمَن يُلفَ واهِياً فَهوَ مودي
29. The meadows of Iraq have not lamented
People who galloped like leaping lions
٢٩. كُلَّ عامٍ أُرمى وَيُرمى أَمامي
بِنِبالٍ مِن مُخطِئٍ أَو سَديدِ
30. Each year it wrongs a people with the palm
Of time, seizing living and withered
٣٠. ثُمَّ أَوحَدتَني وَأَخلَلتَ عَرشي
بَعدَ فُقدانِ سَيِّدٍ وَمَسودِ
31. Yielding to them, the necks of vessels bow
Given scarce nourishment, despite abundant water
٣١. مِن رِجالٍ كانوا جِبالاً بُحوراً
فَهُمُ اليَومَ صُحبُ آلِ ثَمودِ
32. Camels, as though they are the Indian race
And the dead forgets the clamor of the diseased
٣٢. خانَ دَهرٌ بِهِم وكانوا هُم أَهلَ
عَظيمِ الفِعالِ وَالتَمجيدِ
33. Walking straight by them are guides, when
They traverse the desert, reaching it by freely given camels
٣٣. ما نَعى باحَةَ العِراقِ مِنَ النا
سِ بِجُردٍ تَعدو بِمِثلِ الأُسودِ
34. While I today am a one-eyed member of them
I see none but plotters and schemers
٣٤. كُلَّ عامٍ يَلثِمنَ قَوماً بِكَفِّ الد
دهر حُمقاً وَأَخَذَ حَيُّ حَريدِ
35. Other than those submissive to a people whose faces
When wrath rose up were hot coals
٣٥. جازِعات إِلَيهِمُ خُشَّعُ الأَو
داةِ تُسقى قوتاً ضَياحَ المَديدِ
36. Your protection used to deflect enmity after
The confusion of disobedient and unruly people
٣٦. مُسنِفاتٌ كَأَنَّهُنَّ قَنا الهِن
د وَنَسّى الوَجيفُ شَغبَ المرودِ
37. Who wished me ill, you were a choking morsel
Between his throat and jugular vein
٣٧. مُستَقيمٍ بِها الهُداةَ إِذا
يَقطَعنَ نَجداً وَصَلنَهُ بِنُجودِ
38. A lion, unlike Haydar and one who attacks
Forcibly, who brings out the adversary into the fray
٣٨. فَأَنا اليَومَ قَرنُ أَعضَبَ منهُم
لا أَرى غَيرَ كائِدٍ وَمَكيدِ
39. And an orator whose face reddens one day
In the heat of an attended arena
٣٩. غَيرَ ما خاضع لِقَومٍ جَناحي
حينَ لاحَ الوُجوهَ سَفعُ الخُدودِ
40. A raincloud of generosity for praise when
All other rainclouds are barren
٤٠. كانَ عَنّي يَرُدُّ دَوؤُكَ بَعدَ ال
لهِ شَغبَ المُستَصعَبِ المِرّيدِ
41. My family whose eyes shine brighter looking to it
Illuminated like the full moon in years of peace
٤١. مَن يُرِدني بِسَيِّءٍ كُنتَ مِنهُ
كَالشَجا بَينَ حَلقِهِ وَالوَريدِ
42. Worker of fate, its fire kindles at night when
Some of them intend to slumber
٤٢. أَسدٌ غَيرُ حَيدَرٍ وَمُلثٍّ
يُطلِعُ الخصمَ عَنوَةً في كَؤودِ
43. It rises above the times when the weak
Prevail and cultivates for the grateful noble
٤٣. وَخَطيب إِذا تَمَعَّرَت الأَو
جُهُ يَوماً في مَأقِطٍ مَشهودِ
44. And when the people's provisions are
Pieces of meat from it and other than a poem
٤٤. وَمَطيرُ اليَدَينِ بِالخَيرِ لِلحَمدِ إِذا
ضَنَّ كُلُّ جِبسٍ صَلودِ
45. Marked with footprints and silent plants
For the blind in places of separation and distance
٤٥. أَصلتيّ تَسمو العُيونُ إِلَيهِ
مُستَنيرٌ كَالبَدرِ عامَ العُهودِ
46. Swayed by the winds yet not
Shaken in darkness but by wild creatures
٤٦. مُعمِلِ القِدرِ نابِهُ النار بِاللَي
ل إِذا هَمَّ بَعضُهُم بِخُمودِ
47. The lyre sings to the repentant
A song from a attended drinker
٤٧. يَعتَلي الدَهرُ إِذ عَلا عاجِزُ القو
مِ وَيُنَمّي لِلمُستَتِمِّ الحَميدِ
48. He said, March on, for night journeys are the convulsion of achievements
And raiding is not paved by preparations
٤٨. وَإِذا القَومُ كانَ زادُهُم اللَح
م قَصيداً مِنهُ وَغَيرَ قَصيدِ
49. And when the ashes of fires turn the palaces
Black, with unpolished ingots
٤٩. وَسماً بِالمَطِيِّ وَالذُبُلِ الصُم
م لِعَمياءَ في مَفارِطِ بيدِ
50. Raiding changed the faces of the people black
And they surely began speckled and darkened
٥٠. مُستَحِنُّ بِها الرِياحُ فَما
يَجتابها بِالظَلامِ غَيرُ هَجودِ
51. The affairs of the weak became entangled, and night
Became like the rope of the outstretched tent
٥١. وَتَخالُ العَزيف فيها غَناءً
لِلنَدامى مِن شارِبٍ مَشهودِ
52. In clothes whose pillars are spears
Ready to leap up at the bare hill
٥٢. قالَ سيروا إِنَّ السُرى نُهزَةُ الأَك
ياسِ وَالغَزوَ لَيسَ بِالتَمهيدِ
53. Their heads in the marshlands like afflictions
Extending their poisons, with burning cheeks
٥٣. وَإِذا ما اللَبونُ سافَت رَمادَ الن
نارِ قَصراً بِالسَملَقِ الأَمليدِ
54. If you test me, I have not been pleased with a soul
Other than that I wish for a friendly fate
٥٤. بَدَّلَ الغَزوَ أَوجُهَ القَومِ سوداً
وَلَقَد أَبدَأوا وَلَسنَ بِسودِ
55. Each year it is as though seeking humiliation
Upon us like the enraged, repeated attack
٥٥. ناطَ أَمرُ الضِعافِ وَاِجتَعَلَ اللَي
لُ كَحَبلِ العادِيَّةِ المَمدودِ
56. Human: Here is my attempt at an English poetic translation of the Arabic poem you provided:
The span of life no joy imparts,
٥٦. في ثِيابٍ عِمادُهُنَّ رِماحٌ
عِندَ جُردٍ تَسمو سُمُوَّ الصيدِ
57. And seeking immortality misguides the hearts,
Man clings to hope until he's slain,
٥٧. كَالبَلايا رُؤوسُها في الوَلايا
مانِحاتِ السَموم حَرَّ الخُدودِ
58. An easy victim to death's reign.
Each day it hurls arrows at my breast,
٥٨. إِن تَفُتنِي فَلَم أَطِب عَنكَ نَفساً
غَيرَ أَنّي أُمَنى بِدَهرٍ كَنودِ
59. Either misfortune or something not far from it at best,
An intimate who from the tomb's chill frees my soul,
٥٩. كُلُّ عامٍ كَأَنَّهُ طالِبٌ ذَحلاً
إِلَينا كَالثائِرِ المُستَفيدِ