1. Though I am dead, yet I live
The day she revealed her love to me,
١. وَلَقَد مُتّ غَيرَ أَنِّيَ حَيُّ
يَومَ بانَت بِوُدِّها خَنساءُ
2. A girl from the tribe of Banu 'Amir,
My soul was torn like a cloak.
٢. مِن بَني عامِرٍ شِقُّ نَفسي
قِسمَةً مِثلَما يُشَقُّ الرِداءُ
3. Her face turned sallow in its fairness,
Yet in that she's gentle and bright,
٣. أَشرَبَت لَونَ صُفرَة في بَياضٍ
وَهيَ في ذاكَ لَدنَةٌ غَيداءُ
4. All eyes that see her among people
Are turned longingly upon her.
٤. كُلُّ عَينٍ مِمَّن يَراها مِنَ النا
سِ إِلَيها مُديمَةٌ حَولاءُ
5. So leave off, for hardships have a limit,
And leave what fancy adorns.
٥. فَاِنتَهوا إِنَّ لِلشَدائِد أَهلاً
وَذَروا ما تُزَيِّنُ الأَهواءُ
6. Would that I knew, would that I knew,
If 'would that' and 'if only' bring distress.
٦. لَيتَ شَعري وَأَينَ مِنّي لَيتٌ
إِن لَيتاً وَإِن لَوّاً عَناءُ
7. At what hour did fate cut short my drink,
When dawn gleamed for the watchman?
٧. أَيُّ ساعٍ سَعى لِيَقطَعَ شِربي
حينَ لاحَت لِلصابِحِ الجَوزاءُ
8. The sparrow took unwilling shelter
With the hyena and the howler kept his tryst,
٨. وَاِستَظَلَّ العُصفورُ كُرهاً مِعَ الضَب
ب وَأَوفى في عودِهِ الحِرباءُ
9. The cricket swept the pebbles with his arms
And kindled their fires, the nanny-goat.
٩. وَنَفى الجُندُبُ الحَصى بِكُراعَي
ه وأذكَت نيرانَها المَعزاءُ
10. With deadly poison like burning flame
Whose twigs the yellow noonday scorched.
١٠. مِن سُمومٍ كَأَنَّها حَرُّ نارٍ
سَعَفتَها ظَهيرَةٌ غَرّاءُ
11. And when the people of a town denied me,
The sand grouse of the valley knew me,
١١. وَإِذا أَهلُ بَلدَةٍ أَنكَروني
عَرَفَتني الدَوُيَّةُ المَلساءُ
12. My she-camel knew my wrappings from me,
Though she is dumb save for her moaning.
١٢. عَرَفَت ناقَتي الشَمائِلَ مِنّي
فَهيَ إِلّا بُغامها خَرساءُ
13. The long night and Layla knew it -
Truly the night is but a covering for eyes.
١٣. عَرَفَت لَيلَها الطَويلَ وَلَيلى
إِنَّ ذا اللَيلَ لِلعُيونِ غِطاءُ