1. My angel, cease reproaching me, for grief has left me sick
Leave me be, lest before this my heart break into pieces
١. مَلامَكِ عَنّي جَلّ خَطبٌ فَأَوجَعا
ذَريني وَما بي قَبل أَن يَتَصَدّعا
2. Know you not that the blamed is tortured so?
And that my brother met the fate of all, and so did pass away
٢. أَلَم تَعلَمي أَنَّ المَلومَ معذَّب
وَأَن أَخي لاقى الحِمامَ فَوَدّعا
3. I prepared him well for life's misfortunes
So he became the greatest of misfortunes, and the most dire
٣. وَأَعدَدتُه لِلنَّائِباتِ ذَخيرَة
فَأَضحى أَجَلَّ النَّائِباتِ وَأَفظَعا
4. And I warded off death from him with all my wealth
Yet I brought it to him in the end, despite my efforts
٤. وَدافَعتُ عَنهُ المَوتَ بِالمالِ جاهِداً
فَأَوردته مِنهُ عَلى الرُّغمِ مَشرَعا
5. Father Ja'far, if fate has brought you low
And the fates have turned against you and made haste
٥. أَبا جَعفَر إِن كانَ قَدّمك الرَّدى
أَمامي وَعاداكَ الحِمامُ فَأَسرَعا
6. Leaving me easy prey for every disaster
So each day I cower, distraught with fear
٦. وَخَلَّيتَني لِلنَّائِباتِ دَريئَةً
أَظَلُّ بِها في كُل يَوم مرَوَّعا
7. My eyes cease not in shedding scalding tears for you
And without you I bow, humbled and brought low
٧. فَعَينِيَ ما تَنفَكُّ عَبرَى سَخينَةً
عَلَيك وَرُكني خاضِعا مُتضعضِعا
8. With you gone, I grieve no more for the dead
For when you left, you made all grief lighter
٨. وَبعدك لا آسى عَلى فَقدِ هالِكٍ
مَضيتَ فَهَوّنتَ المَصائِب أَجمَعا
9. I will shield my eyes from seeing others, and spread myself upon the earth
For my life, when the earth became your bed
٩. سَأَحمِي الكَرى عَيني وَأَفتَرِش الثَّرى
حَياتِيَ إِذ صارَ الثَّرى لَكَ مَضجَعا
10. I protected you from what I feared, though I'd no power
To turn back what God ordained when it came to pass
١٠. وَقيتُك ما أَخشاه جُهدي وَلَم أُطِق
لِرَدِّ قَضاء اللَّهِ إِذ حَلَّ مَدفَعا
11. And if I'd been given a choice, fate would not let me
And I'd have been comforted for the loss of you, my brother
١١. فَلَو أَنَّني خُيّرتُ لَم يَعدُني الرَّدى
وَكُنت المُعَزّى عَن أَخيك المُفَجَّعا
12. For I'm ashamed before all people that I should live
While you are dead, and I still drawing breath
١٢. وَإِنّي لأَستَحيي المَعاشِرَ أَن أُرى
خِلافك حَيّاً بِالبَقاءِ مُمَتَّعا
13. No day has passed in this ordeal like the day you left
It was so bitter, it allowed no comfort, no consolation
١٣. وَما مَرَّ يَوم في البَلاءِ كَيَومه
أَمرَّ وَأَنأى عن عَزاءٍ وَأَشنَعا
14. Within my chest there lies a settled anguish
That keeps my heart in pain with the memory of you
١٤. وَبَينَ ضُلوعي غُصّة مُستَكِنّة
مُجاوِرَة قَلبا بذكرك مُوجَعا
15. It eases my torment that we know
Beyond our home here lies a home where we will meet again
١٥. وَهَوَّنَ وَجدي فيكَ أَنّ أَمامَنا
سِوى دارنا داراً سَتَجمَعُنا مَعا