
He who comes to me with a need

من أتاني في حاجة فله الفضل

1. He who comes to me with a need
Has the preference in bringing it to me

١. من أَتاني في حاجَة فَلَه ال
فَضل بتوصيلها إِلَيّ عَليّا

2. And he has thanks and more
He who came hoping for it from me

٢. وَله الشُكر وَالمَزيد وَأَضعا
ف الَّذي جاءيَرتَجيه لَدَيّا

3. I do not lack generosity and giving wealth
And those who desire it from me

٣. لا عَدِمتُ السَّخاءَ وَالبَذل لِلما
لِ وَلا الرّاغِبين فيهِ إِلَيّا