
And for my Lord relief comes, when straits oppress a man

ولرب نازلة يضيق بها الفتى

1. And for my Lord relief comes, when straits oppress a man
Beyond endurance, and in God deliverance from them yet lies.

١. ولربّ نازِلة يَضيق بِها الفَتى
ذَرعاً وَعند اللَّه مِنها مَخرَج

2. The difficulties ended, when their circles rounded well,
As I surmised not they would end, relief from them surprise

٢. كَمَلَت فَلَمّا اِستكملَت حَلَقاتُها
فُرجت وَكانَ يَظُنُّها لا تُفرَج