
One of the great disasters

إحدى الملمات الجلائل

1. One of the great disasters
That did away with excellence and virtues

١. إِحدى المُلِمَّات الجَلائِل
أَودَت بِفَضلٍ وَالفَضائِل

2. O you of leadership, politics and a son of its foremost masters
The graves were delighted by you, and the houses were made desolate by your loss

٢. يا ذا الرِئاسَة وَالسِيا
سَةِ وَاِبنَ سادَتِها الأَوائِل

3. Today obligations were suspended and a striker for Islam arrived
Who will be there for the poor, the stranger, the orphans and the widows

٣. أَنِسَت ببهجتك القُبو
رُ وَأَوحَشَت مِنك المَنازِل

4. Who will take on the mighty adversities and defeat the fierce warriors
It descended upon the family of Muhammad and forgot the descending misfortunes

٤. اليَوم عُطِّلت الفُرو
ضُ وَصالَ بِالإِسلامِ صائِل

5. It studied the way of the hopeful and disabled its water springs
And the earth, its exterior became barren while its interior became populated

٥. مَن لِلعَديم وَلِلغَري
مِ وَلِليَتامى وَالأَرامِل

6. Death after you is a blessing and life after you is of no use
Either time changes with you as praise of you is never ending

٦. من يَحمل الخَطب الجَلي
لَ وَيُبطِل البَطل الحُلاحِل

7. In God and the trustworthy, the satisfactory is a substitute for the sane
The likes of the Caliph and the contentment compensated for the major sins

٧. نَزلت بِآل مُحَمَّد
وَالدِّينِ منسِيَةُ النَّوازِل

8. And the generous sons are for the generous and kinsmen for the fortresses
One whose brother is good and resembles him did not die in his endeavors

٨. دَرَست سَبيلَ الرَّاغِبي
نَ وَعَطّلَت منها المَناهِل

9. Asking the Commander of the Faithful with the tongues and the sheaths
Since there is no protection from the enemies except through fighting

٩. وَالأَرضُ أَصبح ظَهرها
قَفراً وَبَطنُ الأَرضِ آهِل

10. In the young men whose swords, on the day of thrusting, had fortresses for them
Covering their hearts over the armors when the adversity comes

١٠. المَوتُ بَعدَك نِعمَة
وَالعَيشُ بَعدَك غَيرُ طائِل

11. Bearing every grandeur, dignified and questioning

١١. إِمّا يَزُل بِكَ ذا الزَّما
نُ فَإِنَّ مَدحك غَير زائِل

١٢. في اللَّهِ وَالمَأمونِ مِن
هُ المُرتَضى عِوَضٌ لِعاقِل

١٣. مِثلُ الخَليفَةِ وَالرِّضى
عَزّا عن النُوَب الجَلائِل

١٤. وَبَني الأَكارِم لِلأَكا
رِمِ وَالعَقائِلِ لِلمَعاقِل

١٥. ما ماتَ مَن حَسَنٌ أَخو
هُ وَشِبهُه فيما يحاوِل

١٦. سائِل أَميرَ المُؤمِني
نَ بِهِ الأَسِنّةَ وَالمناصِل

١٧. إِذ لا مَقيلَ لَها من ال
أعداءِ إِلّا في المقاتِل

١٨. في فتية أَسيافُهُم
يَوم الطِّعانِ لَهم مَعاقِل

١٩. مُتَدرِّعين قُلوبَهُم
فَوقَ الدُّروعِ لَدى التَّنازل

٢٠. حَمَّال كل عَظيمَة
وَمَعانِ معترّ وَسائِل