
If you were delight for eyes and joy

لئن كنت ملهى للعيون وقرة

1. If you were delight for eyes and joy
You have become sorrow for sincere hearts

١. لَئِن كنتَ مَلهىً لِلعُيونِ وَقُرّة
لَقَد صِرتَ حُزناً لِلقُلوبِ الصحائح

2. My passion is less knowing your day will reach me
And tomorrow I'll be of the people of those graves

٢. وَهَوّن وَجدي أَنّ يَومك مُدرِكي
وَأَنّي غَدا من أَهل تِلكَ الضَّرائِح