
Beauty embodied all virtues and ascended the peak

حسن حوى كل المحاسن واعتلى

1. Beauty embodied all virtues and ascended the peak
Of nobility with his essence and parentage

١. حَسَنٌ حَوَى كُلَّ المَحاسِن وَاِعتَلى الش
شَرَفَ المُنيفَ بِنَفسِه وَالوالِد

2. If I were to repay him for his trials and brotherhood
I could not repay with the trials of a single day

٢. إِن أَجزِه ببلائه وَإخائه
لا أَجزِه بِبلاءِ يوم واحِد