
A rose garden above a glowing cheek

وجني ورد فوق خد مشرق

1. A rose garden above a glowing cheek
Whose color puts apples to shame

١. وَجَنيّ وَردٍ فَوقَ خَدّ مُشرِق
رَيّان يَفضَح لَونُه التُّفّاحا

2. Its sweet breeze he gifted to the females
And its redness and bushes to the zephyr

٢. أَهدى إِلى النَّسرِين طيبَ نَسيمِه
وَأَعار حُمرَةَ وَجنَتَيه الرّاحا

3. To whoever recovered from lovesickness of eyelids
I have become sick and they became healthy

٣. من صَحّ من مَرض الجُفون فَإِنَّني
بِتُّ السَّقيم وَبِتن هُنّ صِحاحا