
My master, I pine for you

سيدي أنت إنني بك صب

1. My master, I pine for you
Between the hands of worries and longing I am plundered

١. سَيِّدِي أَنْتَ إِنَّني بِكَ صَبُّ
بَيْنَ أَيدِي الْهُمُوم والشَّوْق نَهْبُ

2. And my intercessor to you is that I am a lover
And I have long loved one who does not love

٢. وشَفِيعِي إِلَيْكَ أَنِّي مُحبٌّ
وقَدِيماً أُحِبَّ مَنْ لاَ يُحِبُّ

3. Love has sent me an illness so I am in pain
With lasting sadness that does not go away

٣. بَعَثَ الحُبُّ لي سَقاماً فَأَعْدَى
بِيَ حُزْناً مداوماً ما يَغِبُّ

4. I have no intention to console myself
Neither for what my heart has seen nor do I have a heart

٤. لَيْس لي نِيَّةٌ أُسَلِّي بها النَّفْ
سَ لِمَا قَدْ رَأَى وَلاَ لِيَ قَلْبُ

5. My patience is lost and hopes have betrayed me
Lies that delight those who pine

٥. ضَاعَ صَبْرِي وَأَخْلَفَتْنِي ظُنُونٌ
كاذِباتٌ يَلَذُّها مَنْ يَصَبُّ

6. Except that I felt relief from the words of a jester
It is sorrow upon my heart and anguish

٦. غَيْرَ أنِّي أُرِحْتُ مِنْ قَوْلِ لاَحٍ
هُوَ هَمٌّ عَلَى الفُؤادِ وكَرْبُ

7. The blamers have chided you and said
What blame is there for one who loves the likes of you

٧. عَذَلَ العَاذِلُونَ فِيكَ وقالُوا
ما عَلَى مَنْ أَحَبَّ مثلَكَ عَتْبُ

8. You have a rosy cheek smooth in color
And a mouth pleasant in speech, sweet

٨. لكَ خَدٌّ مُوَرَّدُ اللَّوْن سَهْلٌ
وَفَمٌ طَيِّبُ الْمُجَاجَةِ عَذْبُ

9. And a brow where beauty glistens
Like the new moon revealed from behind its veils

٩. وجَبينٌ تَلأَلأَ الحُسْنُ فيه
كهِلالٍ تكَشَّفَتْ عَنْهُ حُجْبِ

10. And sleepy eyelids, content,
And the talk of the feminine in speech, tender

١٠. وجَفونٌ مُفَتَّراتٌ مِرَاضٌ
وحديثُ الْمُؤَنَّثِ اللَّفْظِ رَطْبُ

11. And a figure around which the breeze lingers
Bending as the branch of a willow bends

١١. وقَوامٌ للرِّيح فيهِ احْتِكَارٌ
يَتَثَنَّى تثنِّيَ الغُصْنِ شَطْبُ

12. Beauty has flourished in all of you except
That my share of all that is barren

١٢. أَخْصَبَ الحُسْنُ في جميعكَ إلا
أَنَّ حظِّي منْ كُلِّ ذَلكَ جَدْبُ

13. The craving of my soul for you, if love were fair
Would have been difficult for me from you in the morning

١٣. لَهْفَ نفسي عَلَيْكَ لو أَنْصَفَ الْحب
بُ لَذَلَّ الغَداةَ لي منْكَ صَعْبُ

14. I do not call you fickle, but I avert
An eye from you, its tears pouring onto you

١٤. لا أُسَمِّيك خيفَةً بلْ أُعدِّي
عنك طَرْفاً دُمُوعُهُ فيكَ سَكْبُ

15. And you counted passion for me as sins
If it is so, then the beauty of your face is a sin

١٥. وعَدَدْتَ الْهَوَى عَلَيَّ ذُنوباً
إِنْ يَكُنْ ذَا فَحُسْنُ وجهك ذَنْبُ

16. Does time pass in forgiveness over us
No use has been gotten and no beloved attained

١٦. أيمرُّ الزمان صَفْحاً عَلَيْنا
لَمْ يُنَلْ طائلٌ ولم يُقْضَ نَحْبُ

17. You have wronged me like your teeth wronged
Until my head grayed and the call of white hair captivated

١٧. ظَلَمَتْنِي كظُلْمِكَ السِّنُّ حَتَّى
شَابَ رَأْسِي ودَعْوَةُ الشَّيْبِ سَبُّ

18. The thirty years took from me the garb of youth
And after that the white hair had its plunder

١٨. سَلَبَتْني ثَوْبَ الشَّباب الثَّلاَثُو
نَ وللشَّيْب بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ سَلْبُ

19. And it directed onto my head gray hair
White hair is not worthy for its sport

١٩. وأحالَتْ دُهْمَاً عَلَى الرَّأْسِ شُهْباً
لَيْسَ يَجِزي بِخَيْلِهِ اللَّهْوِ شُهْبُ

20. If he traveled heading to Damascus
And twisted away like the setting sun twists away

٢٠. إِنْ يَكُنْ سَارَ عَامداً لِدِمَشْقٍ
وطَوانِي كَمَا طَوَى الشَّمْسَ غَرْبُ

21. Then he is to the heart wherever a memory turns
And he is to the eye wherever a gaze wanders

٢١. فهوَ للْقَلْب حيثُ ما مال ذِكْرٌ
وهُوَ للطَّرْف حيثُ ما دار نُصْبُ

22. The good opinion of the minister compensated him
So he is for generosity and noble deeds a lord

٢٢. حُسْنُ رَأْيِ الْوَزِيرِ عَوَّض فيه
فَهو للْجُودِ والْمَكارمِ رَبُّ