
The nights have passed since his days,

مضت على عهده الليالي

1. The nights have passed since his days,
And after him matters were renewed,

١. مَضَت عَلى عَهدِه اللَيالي
وَأُحدِثَت بَعدَهُ أُمور

2. And I lost patience in despair of you,
So beauty and joy became balanced.

٢. وَاِعتَضَت بِاليَأسِ مِنكَ صَبراً
فَاِعتَدَل الحُسن وَالسُّرور

3. So I neither hope nor fear
What time has brought after him.

٣. فَلَستُ أَرجو وَلَستُ أَخشى
ما أَحدَثت بَعده الدّهور

4. Let time reach its apex in my lifetime,
For what can its effort harm?

٤. فَليُبلِغِ الدَّهرُ في مَساتي
فَما عَسى جُهدُه يَضير