
Did you not see her once when she came

ألم ترها مرة إذ نأت

1. Did you not see her once when she came
And did not come from among her companions

١. أَلَم تَرها مَرَّة إِذ نَأَت
وَلَم تَأتِ مِن بَين أَترابِها

2. And she was flooded with joy
With her illumination and her radiance

٢. وَقَد غَمَرتها دَواعي السُرور
بِإِشعالِها وَبِإِلهابِها

3. While we were languid until she appeared
And the full moon in the darkness of her clothes

٣. وَنَحنُ فُتورٌ إِلى أَن بَدَت
وَبَدر الدُّجى بَينَ أَثوابِها

4. So when she came, how were we to her
And when she approached, how were we with her

٤. فَلَمّا نَأَت كَيفَ كُنّا لها
وَلَما دنت كَيف كنّا بِها