
Your grace is a beautiful necklace adorned with bounties

هنتك أكرومة جللت نعمتها

1. Your grace is a beautiful necklace adorned with bounties
It has nurtured your loyal ones and uprooted your enemies

١. هَنتك أُكرومَةٌ جُلّلتَ نِعمَتها
أَنمت وَليَّك وَاجتَثَّت أَعاديكا

2. None were endowed with it except the Imam, and whenever
It was compared to others, it surpassed them

٢. ما كانَ يُحبَى بها إِلّا الإِمامُ وَما
كانَت إِذا قرنت بِالخَلق تَعدوكا

3. By God, even if your nation set out from afar
To meet you, arriving from its place of origin

٣. تَاللَّهِ لَو أطلقت أُمَّتك قاصِدَةً
عَن بُعد مَصدَرِها حَتّى تُوافيكا

4. Or if the sincere ones sold their love for you with it
And everyone who came to call on you returned it

٤. أَو لَو تُباع حَباكَ الأَولِياءُ بِها
وَرَدّها كُلّ من أَضحى يُناديكا

5. No new bounty would be renewed for you, though great
Except the merit in you makes it seem small

٥. ما جُدّدت لَك من نُعمى وَإِن عَظُمَت
إِلّا يُصَغّرها الفَضلُ الَّذي فيكا

6. You continue to institute new bounties that delight
The times, and we continue to congratulate you

٦. لا زِلت مُستَحدثا نعمى تُسَرّ بها
عَلى الزَّمانِ وَلا زلنا نَهنّيكا