1. My precious soul detached itself from this world, and I grieved for it,
Fate in its whims led it astray,
١. عِلق نَفيس من الدُّنيا فُجعتُ بِهِ
أفضى إِلَيهِ الرَّدى في حَومَة القَدَرِ
2. Did death bring you down, or did you descend to it?
While your home was between the sun and the moon,
٢. أَأَنزَلتكَ المَنايا أَم نَزَلتَ بِها
وَكانَ بَيتُك بَين الشَّمسِ وَالقَمرِ
3. Alas, death, do your arrows never cease,
Suspended on the bowstring and chord?
٣. وَيحَ المَنايا أَما تَنفَكُّ أَسهُمُها
مُعَلَّقاتٍ بِصدرِ القوس وَالوترِ