
You acted, and they thanked the Benefactor gratefully,

فعلت فأثنوا شاكرين لمنعم

1. You acted, and they thanked the Benefactor gratefully,
Then you returned, and they resumed what was most binding for you.

١. فَعَلتَ فَأَثنَوا شاكِرينَ لمُنعِم
فَعُدتَ فَعادوا بِالَّتي لَك أَوجَبُ

2. What deed is there like yours, unique?
What praise is there sweeter than your praise?

٢. فَأَيّ فَعال مِثل فِعلكَ واحِدٌ
وَأَيّ ثَناء من ثَنائِكَ أَطيَبُ

3. Who among them has a soul so noble
That a verse like yours could be addressed to it?

٣. وَأَيُّهُم أملي بِنَفسٍ كَريمَة
يَردّ عَلَيها مِثل بَيتِكَ مَنصِبُ