
When hardships come, they cast off their excess loves

إذا أزموا ألقوا فضول حبائهم

1. When hardships come, they cast off their excess loves
And leave the cycles of time to wound and scratch me.

١. إِذا أزموا ألقوا فُضولَ حِبائِهِم
وَخَلّوا صُروف الدَّهر نَفري وَتجرحُ

2. I've made them familiar, yet harm stuffs their clothes.
Their guest in the courtyard of the house cavorts.

٢. وَأَلفَيتَهم وَالضُرُّ حَشوُ ثِيابهم
وَضيفُهم في عرصة الدار يَمرَحُ

3. Over their home are their injuries and their neighbors.
By their home lies a meadow and theater.

٣. عَلى بَيتِهم آصارهم وَلجارِهم
لَدى بَيتهم ملقى رَحيبٌ وَمَسرَحُ