1. The kingdom grew high with Abul-'Abbas
The highest of kings after decline
١. أَصْبَحَ الْمُلْكُ عالياً بأَبي الْعَب
باسِ أَعْلَى الْمُلُوك بَعْدَ انْخِفَاضِ
2. And happiness spread among all people
With the kingdom of the refined, generous one
٢. واسْتَفَاضَ السُّرُورُ في سَائِرِ النا
سِ بِمُلْكِ الْمُهَذَّبِ الْفَيَّاضِ
3. God was pleased with his guidance so He chose him
So he is pleased with God and fate
٣. رَضِيَ اللهُ هَدْيَهُ فَاصْطَفَاهُ
فَهوَ بِاللهِ وَالْمَقَادِيرِ رَاضِي
4. Whoever knowledge fed, he grazes from it
In beautiful, flourishing gardens
٤. مَنْ غَذَتْهُ الْعُلُومُ يَرْتَعُ مِنْهَا
فِي جِنَانٍ أَنِيقَةٍ ورِيَاضِ
5. Perfection and merits fulfilled in him
Before twenty years of his life passed
٥. كَمُلَ الْفَضْلُ والْفَضَائِلُ فِيهِ
قَبْلَ عِشْرِينَ مِنْ سِنِيهِ مَوَاضِي
6. So he is, with knowledge and devotion to it
Better coming of kings and those passed
٦. فَهوَ بِالْعِلْمِ والتَّفَرُّغِ فِيهِ
خَيْرُ آتٍ مِنَ الْمُلُوكِ وَمَاضِي
7. The caliphate inclined to him willingly
With the concurrence of all and contentment
٧. خَطَرَتْ نَحْوَهُ الْخِلافَةُ طَوْعاً
بِاتِّفاقٍ مِنَ الْوَرَى وَتَرَاضِ
8. And the hands' choosing, to attain
And the gathering of a loyal, determined resolve
٨. واصْطِفاقٍ مِنَ الأَكُفِّ دِرَاكاً
واجْتِمَاعٍ موفٍ وَعَزْمٍ مُفَاضِ
9. Religion was sick before him, so it came to him
Healed with him from diseases
٩. مَرِضَ الدِّينُ قَبْلَهُ وَأَتَاهُ
بَارِئاً عِنْدَهُ مِنَ الأَمْرَاضِ
10. And time relished when the kingdom shone
And its darkness clarified with whiteness
١٠. واسْتَلَذَّ الزَّمَانُ إِذْ أَسْفَرَ الْمُلْ
كُ وَجَلَّى سَوَادَهُ بِبَيَاضِ
11. Passionate with knowledge, passion of a lover
Who shuns whoever he loves with estrangement
١١. وَاجِدٌ بِالْعُلُومِ وجْدَ مُحِبٍّ
رَاعَهُ مَنْ يُحِبُّ بِالإِعْرَاضِ
12. People get from him plentiful generosity
Of good scent, meadow of ponds
١٢. يَرِدُ النَّاسُ مِنْهُ أَغْدَارَ جُودٍ
طَيِّبِ الْوِرْدِ مُتْرَعِ الأَحْوَاضِ
13. They praised, from Muhammad, good kingdom
Fulfilling the right of people and justice
١٣. حَمدوا مِنْ مُحَمَّدٍ حُسْنَ مُلْكٍ
بِتَقَضِّي حَقِّ الْوَرى وَتَقَاضِي
14. Blessings for the patron from him, he gifted him
And disasters upon the enemy, calamities
١٤. نِعَمٌ لِلْوَلِّي مِنْهُ حَبَاهُ
وَمَنَايَا عَلَى الْعَدُوِّ مَوَاضِي
15. The command takes hold of determined opinion
The difficult yields to it without refusal
١٥. تَمْلِكُ الْخَطْبَ مِنْهُ عَزْمَةُ رَأْيٍ
يُذْعِنُ الصَّعْبُ عِنْدَهَا لاِرْتِيَاضِ
16. O Imam, to him the reins of glory gathered
And the knots of purposes dissolved
١٦. يَا إمَاماً إِلَيْه حُلَّتْ عُرَى الْفَخْ
رِ وَفُلَّتْ مَعَاقِدُ الأَغْرَاضِ
17. He attained with favors perfect glory
People clung to him with parts
١٧. حَازَ بِالمَكْرُمَاتِ كَامِلَ مَجْدٍ
عَلِقَ النَّاسُ فِيهِ بِالأَبْعَاضِ
18. And rose above the stars with a house
Lofty, prominent, high
١٨. وَتَعَالَى عَلَى النُّجُومِ بِبَيْتٍ
سَامِقِ الْعِزِّ ظَاهِرِ الأَغْرَاضِ
19. You are God's proof, O Qibla of the religion
You cannot be repelled with dismissal
١٩. حُجَّةُ اللهِ أَنتَ يَا قِبلَةَ الدي
نِ فَلَيْسَتْ تُرَدُّ بالإِدْحَاضِ
20. The sword has warned whoever disobeyed you
Of impending destruction and perishing
٢٠. آذَنَ السِّيْفُ مَنْ عَصَاكَ مَن النا
سِ بِهُلْكٍ مُوَاشِكٍ وانْقِراضِ
21. And of heavy punishment and sin
That breaks the back, whatever breaking
٢١. وَبِثُقْلٍ مِنَ الْعَذَابِ وَوِزْرٍ
يَنْقُضُ الظَّهْرَ أَيَّمَا إِنْقَاضِ
22. I am not one who wants, with praise, a state
That extends glory from it after withdrawal
٢٢. لَسْتُ ممَّنْ يُرِيدُ بِالْمَدْحِ حَالاً
يَبْسُطُ الْجَاهَ مِنْهُ بَعْدَ اِنْقِبَاضِ
23. I have been saturated from the abundance of an Imam
I will never be discontent with it as long as I live
٢٣. قَدْ تَرَوَّيْتُ مِنْ نَوَالِ إمَامٍ
لَسْتُ مَا عِشْتُ فِيهِ بِالمُعْتَاضِ
24. Good tidings of his overflowing generosity
Like the lightning, guide of downpours
٢٤. بِشْرُهُ زَائِدُ الْعَطَاءِ كَمَا الْبَرْ
قُ دَلِيلُ الْغُيُوثِ بالإِيمَاضِ
25. And I preceded people in my praising him
Despite those of hatred
٢٥. وَتَقَدَّمْتُ فِي مَديحِي لَهُ النَّا
سَ عَلَى الرَّغْمِ مِنْ ذَوِي الإِبْغَاضِ
26. And I culled the prime of the glory of poetry
So I subdued its difficult parts with plucking
٢٦. وافْتَرَعْتُ الأَبْكَارَ مِنْ عِزَّةِ الشِّعْ
رِ فَذَلَّلْتُ صَعْبَهَا بِافْتِضَاضِ
27. And he fed me with his long lifetime
In my prior days, long, wasting away
٢٧. وَغَذَانِي بِطَولٍ مِنْهُ فِي سَا
بِقِ أَيَّامِيَ الطِّوَالِ الْعِراضِ
28. It came freely without asking, promise
Or reminder to him the demander
٢٨. جَاءَ عَفْواً بِلاَ سُؤَالٍ وَلاَ وَعْ
دٍ وَلاَ مُذكرٍ بِهِ مُتَقَاضِي
29. Pure from the turbidity of expectation
Flowing like pure water over gravel
٢٩. صَافِياً مِنْ تَكَدُّرِ الْمَطْلِ يَجْرِي
جَرْيَ مَاءٍ صَافٍ عَلَى رَضْرَاضِ
30. And I was honored by sitting with him
In a conversation he enjoys, shared
٣٠. وَتَشَرَّفْتُ بِالجُلُوسِ لَدَيْهِ
بِحَدِيثٍ يَلْتَذُّهُ مُسْتَفَاضِ
31. And I attained purpose and people gave me good tidings
With ample clothing from wealth
٣١. وَبَلَغْتُ الْمُنَى وَبَشَّرَنِي النا
سُ بِثَوْبٍ مِنَ الْغِنَى فَضْفَاضِ
32. And I exchanged humiliation for honor
Despair beside him signaled dispersal
٣٢. وَتَبَدَّلْتُ بالتَّذَلُّلِ عِزّاً
آذَنَ الْهَمُّ عِنْدَهُ بِانْفِضَاضِ
33. And worry slept after staying
Avoiding my side, shunning the tossing
٣٣. وَاطْمَأَنَّ الْفِرَاشُ مِنْ بَعْدِ أَنْ جَا
نَبَ جَنْبي تَجَنُّبَ النُّهَّاضِ
34. And the enemy went back on deceiving me
And the eyes of anger turned calm and gentle
٣٤. واسْتَرَدَّ الْعَدُوُّ وُكْدِي وَعَادَتْ
أَعْيُنُ السُّخْطِ وَهيَ عَنِّيَ رَواضِي
35. I see no troubler of my abundance
Even if he frowned upon me with displeasure
٣٥. لاَ أَرى مُزْعَجاً نَوَالِي وَإنْ أب
طَأَ عَنِّي جنَاهُ بالإِيْغاضِ
36. Nor a critic of time whom I complain to
About its wounds of misfortune
٣٦. لاَ وَلاَ خَاطباً بِذَمِّ زَمَانٍ
أَتَشَكَّى مِنْهُ نُدُوبَ عِضاضِ
37. The Imam sufficed me from what distracted me
And saved me from the disgrace of collapsing
٣٧. قَدْ كَفانِي الإِمَامُ مَا قَدْ عَنَانِي
وانْتَضَانِي مِنْ خَلَّةِ الإنْفَاضِ
38. And I gained wealth with my singing protection
From hands to it dripping with wetness
٣٨. واجْتَنَيْتُ الْغِنَى بِمَدْحِيَ غَضّاً
مِنْ أَيَادٍ لَهُ رِطَابٍ غِضَاضِ
39. I did not incline to misery, nor accepted
Demolition I fall upon in ruins
٣٩. لَم أَجُبْ نَحْوَهُ الْفَلاَةَ وَلاَ أَقْ
بَلْتُ نِقْضاً أَهْوي عَلَى أَنْقَاضِ
40. Scarcity cast itself to me sometimes
Like shooting of a lancer
٤٠. تَتَرَامَى بِيَ الْمَفَاقِرُ طَوْراً
واعْتِراضاً كَرَمْيَةِ الْمِعْرَاضِ
41. After sorrows took my place
And the star of my fortune declined to setting
٤١. بَعْدَ أَنْ حَلَّتِ النُّحُوسُ مَحَلِّي
وَهَوَى نَجْمُ أَسْعُدِي لانِقِضَاضِ
42. Loss took hold of me so it guided loneliness
From attaining like havoc of hail
٤٢. فَتَكَ الْيَأْسُ بِي فأَهْدَى صُدُوداً
مِنْ وَصُولٍ كَفَتْكَةِ البْرَّاضِ
43. And time showed me the estrangement of departure
To the bird, forgetting the estrangement of perches
٤٣. وَأَرانِي تَحَيُّفُ الْهَجْرِ لِلطَّيْ
رِ بِمَا نَسَّي تَحَيُّف الْمِقَراضِ
44. And it forced upon me the debt of youth
In it unfairness to it and ugly demanding
٤٤. واقْتَضَانِي دَيْنَ الشَّبَابِ مَشِيبٌ
فِيهِ عَسْفٌ لَهُ وقُبْحُ تَقَاضِي
45. My wonder at it, how it obligated a sin
That was not about borrowing and loaning
٤٥. عَجَبي لَهُ كَيْفَ أَوْجَبَ ذَنْباً
لَمْ يَكُنْ عَنْ تَسَلُّفٍ واقْتِراَضِ
46. An unjust fair, swift, slow
Preceding whose running is without limping
٤٦. ظَالِمٌ مُنْصِفٌ سَرِيعٌ بَطيءٌ
سَابِقٌ رَكْضُهُ بِغَيْرِ ارْتِكَاضِ
47. So I was darkened with whiteness and took refuge
With it from joining with whiteness that wounds
٤٧. فَتَسَوَّدْتُ بِالْبَيَاضِ وَعوّذ
تُ بِهِ عَنْ وصَالِ بِيضٍ بِضَاضِ
48. And I wore dignity by force from me
And my complexion blossomed nights of tossing
٤٨. وَاكْتَسَيْتُ الْوقَارَ بالْكُرهِ مِنِّي
وَنَضَتْ بِشْرَتِي لَيَالٍ نَوَاضِي
49. And claws came to me from people
Like the falling of meteors in plains
٤٩. وأَتَتْنِي قَوَارِضٌ مِنْ أُنَاسٍ
مِثْلُ وَقْعِ الشِّهَابِ فِي الأَغْراضِ
50. Everyone weak, sleepy when people
Wake for the heights, oh shelterer
٥٠. كُلِّ وَاهِي الْقُوَى نَؤُومٍ إِذَا مَا
نَهَضَ النَّاسُ للْعُلَى رَبَّاضِ
51. They left me to what I fear from them
A perishing, lethal instigation
٥١. تَرَكَتْنِي لِمَا أُحَاذِرُ مِنْهَا
حَرَضاً هَالِكاً مِنَ الأَحْرَاضِ
52. God knows what agony I experienced with you
From suffering and discontent
٥٢. عَلِمَ اللهُ مَا الَّذي كُنْتُ أَلْقَى
فيكُمُ مِنْ تَأَلُّمٍ وَامْتِعَاضِ
53. The blacks of hatred roared me
That did not disappear in thickets and trees
٥٣. لَمْ أَذُقْ مُذْ رَكبْتُ رَاحِلَةَ الْخو
فِ إلىَ الآن لَذَّةَ الإِغْمَاضِ
54. And time separated me from them with sharp teeth
After you, tender youth, biting
٥٤. لاَ أُطِيقُ الدِّفَاعَ عَنْكَ وَلاَ أم
لِكُ غَيْرَ الْهُمُومِ والإِرْتِمَاضِ
55. And it crept eating my flesh and the bone was pleased
With me, with crushing, oh crusher
٥٥. زَأَرَتْنِي أُسُودُ حِقْدٍ عَلَيْكُمُ
لَمْ تُغَيَّبْ بِغَابَةٍ وَغِياضِ
56. And I lined my eyes with wakefulness and constant caution
Fearing a fleeting, biting serpent
٥٦. وَفَرَانِي الزَّمَانُ مِنْهُ بِنَابٍ
بَعْدَكُمْ مُرْهَفِ الشَّبا عَضَّاضِ
57. From an envious rival to me over you
For the seas of your backbiting, digger
٥٧. وَانْتَحَى آكِلاً لِلَحْمِي وَرَضَّ الْ
عَظْمِ مِنِّي بِكَلْكَلٍ رَضَّاضِ
58. One hating me because I parade among you
Praise, despite harm, insisted
٥٨. واكْتَحَلْتُ السُّهَاد والْحَذَرَ الدا
ئِمَ خَوْفاً بِمَرْوَدٍ مَضَّاضِ
59. So God showed me what I hoped for
And I was compensated, best compensation
٥٩. مِنْ حَسُودٍ مُنَافِسٍ لِي عَلَيْكُمْ
لِبِحَارِ اِغتِيابِكُمْ خَوَّاضِ
60. O Imam of guidance, listen to a loyal one
Walking in your praise, oh pavement
٦٠. مُبْغِضٍ لِي لما أُسَيِّرُ فِيكُمْ
مِنْ مَدِيحٍ عَلَى الأَذى حَضَّاضِ
61. Sacrificing himself, granting you sincere advice
From a family to you, ardent lovers
٦١. فأَرَانِي الإِلهُ مَا كُنْتُ أَرْجُو
هُ وعُوِّضْتُ أَحْسَنَ الإِعْتياضِ
62. Every rebel disobeyed with his own folly
So they are rebukers, chastising with babble
٦٢. يَا إِمَامَ الْهُدَى اسْتَمِعْ لِوَلِيٍّ
سَائِرٍ فِي مَديحِكُمْ رَكَّاضِ
63. He distinguishes people in courage and insight
Like the distinction of straight arrow in twitching
٦٣. بَاذلِ النَّفْسِ وَاهبٍ لَكَ مَحْضَ ال
نُصْحِ مِنْ أُسْرَةٍ لَكُمْ أَمْحَاضِ
64. He is the Qibla of war when war is avoided
And its horses cast in the rugged terrain
٦٤. كُلُّ عَاصٍ عصى بِجِلْدَتِهِ العُر
رُ فَهُم هَانِئُوهُ بِالخَضْخَاضِ
65. He supported the kingdom in it with the knowing hands
Healing the sick with determination
٦٥. يَفْضُلُ النَّاسَ في الشَّجَاعَةِ وَالْبأْ
سِ كَفَضْلِ الدَّيْسِ لابْنِ مَخَاضِ
66. Giving opinion, traveling the path of resolve
Where afflictions are not like pitfalls
٦٦. قِبْلَةُ الْحَرْبِ حينَ تُجْتَنَبُ الْحَرْ
بُ وَتَرْدَى خُيولُهَا في الْعِرَاضِ
67. The four corners flourished with an Imam
Killer of havoc, repairer of ruins
٦٧. عَضَّدَ الْمُلْكَ فيهِ بالأَيِّدِ الْعا
لِمِ شَافِي الْمُخلَّ بالإِحْمَاضِ
68. People knew his merits like the intention
Of arrows is known in twitching
٦٨. بَاذِلُ الرَّأْي سَالِكٍ شِعْبَ عَزْمٍ
مَا الْمَصَاعِيبُ فِيهِ كالأَحْفَاضِ
69. Whoever saw his love like supererogatory prayers
I see it as an unfounded claim
٦٩. أَخْصَبَتْ أَرْبُعُ الْوَرَى بإِمَامٍ
قَاتِلِ الْمَحَلِ جَابِرِ الْمُنْهَاضِ
70. God supported his kingdom with a minister
Independent in opinion, wakeful
٧٠. عَرَفَ النَّاسُ فَضْلَهُ مِثْلَ مَا يُعْ
رَفُ قَصْدُ السِّهَامِ بالإنْبَاضِ
71. Knowledgeable about the times, it was pleased with him
Rebellious, unwilling, to the pensioners
٧١. مَنْ رأَى حُبَّهُ كَنَافِلَةِ الْفر
ضِ فَإِنِّي أَرَاهُ كالإفْتِرَاضِ
72. Doubt did not wander with his certainty
Nor hindered him with objection
٧٢. أَيَّدَ اللهُ مُلْكَهُ بِوَزِيرٍ
مُسْتَقِلٍّ برَأْيِهِ نَهَّاضِ
73. Firm in the devotion of your patron, gone
And wakeful over your enemy, judging
٧٣. عَالم بِالزَّمَانِ قَدْ رَاض مِنْهُ
جَامِحاً آبياً عَلَى الرُّوَّاضِ
74. An advisor who did not wade into the swamps of deceit
In past time with the deluded
٧٤. لَمْ يَطُفْ بِالْيَقِينِ مِنْ ظَنِّهِ الشك
كُ وَلاَ حَالَ دُونَهُ بِاعْتِرَاضِ
75. God entrusted your house of money from him
With gathering, not rejection
٧٥. ضَرَبٌ في لُهَى وَلِيِّكَ مَاضٍ
وسَهُادٌ عَلَى عَدُوِّكَ قَاضِي
76. Not what is heedless when sincere advice wears
The garb of an estranged or discontented complaint
٧٦. نَاصِحٌ لَمْ يَخُضْ ضَحَاضِحَ غِشٍّ
فِي الزَّمَانِ الْمَاضِي مَعَ الْخُوَّاضِ
77. From people whose pens are the arrows of the king
Yet they are without loyalty
٧٧. مَوَّلَ اللهُ بَيْتَ مَالِكَ مِنْهُ
باجْتِمَاعٍ مِنْهُ لاَ بارْفِضَاضِ
78. Groups for the matter after separation
Menders of greatness after collapse
٧٨. غَيْرَ مَا حَافِلٍ إِذَا انْتَحَلَ النُّصْ
حَ بِشَكْوَى مُغَاضِبٍ أَوْ مُرَاضِي
79. It saw no sycophant for separation except
It shackled his effort without mollification
٧٩. مِنْ أُنَاسٍ أَقَلاَمُهُمْ أَسْهُمُ الْمُلْ
كِ وَلَكِنَّهَا بِغَيْرِ وِفاضِ
80. It breathed with ink poison upon him
The breath of the fangs of a hissing snake
٨٠. جَامعَاتٍ لِلأَمْرِ بَعْدَ افْتِراقٍ
جَابِرَاتٍ لِلْعَظْمِ بَعْدَ انْهِيَاضِ
81. So remain, O Master of Kings, for him
Every withdrawal of opinion is belittled
٨١. مَا رَأْتْ سَاعياً على الْبَيْنِ إِلا
قَيَّدَتْ سَعْيَهُ بِغَيْرِ الإيَاضِ
82. And the New Year reached ninety years
Lofty, and the enemy is grumbling
٨٢. نَفَثَتْ بِالْمِدَادِ سُمّاً عَلَيْه
نَفْثَ أَنْيَابِ حَيَّةٍ نَضنَاضِ
٨٣. فَابْقَ يَا سَيِّدَ الْمُلُوكِ لَهُ تُبْ
رِمُ بِالرَّأْي مِنْهُ كُلَّ انِتْقَاضِ
٨٤. وَتَمَلَّ النَّيْرُوزَ تِسْعِينَ عَاماً
سَامِياً والْعَدُوُّ ذُوِ إِعْضَاضِ